
Using Node.js to ingest into Accumulo via RabbitMQ and Java



This project uses node.js to ingest into Apache Accumulo via RabbitMQ and a Java application. The intent is to store records of a client visiting a website, much like a Google Analytics. This example is meant to be contrived and the intent is to show the potential of using node to (indirectly) ingest data into Apache Accumulo.

Brief Summary

node.js runs an HTTP webserver which accepts incoming requests from an HTTP client. Upon receipt, it strips the intended information off the query string of the request URL and fires a JSON string over RabbitMQ. Meanwhile, a Java process is running in the background, pulling data off of a queue that the node server is writing to. Upon receipt of a message, the Java process converts the JSON string into an object, creates, and then inserts mutations into Accumulo corresponding to the data contained in the JSON string.


I'll make the (bold) assumption that you already have Apache Hadoop, Apache Zookeeper, and Apache Accumulo installed on your machine. There is good documentation elsewhere for this.

RabbitMQ and node.js

These should be relatively straightfoward, something along the lines of:

# emerge net-misc/rabbitmq-server net-libs/nodejs

Otherwise, you can manually install both RabbitMQ and node.js. Don't forget to start RabbitMQ.

# /etc/init.d/rabbitmq start


Express, Jade, Socket.IO, and DataTables were used to create an simple interface for users to view data stored in Accumulo.

Running the application

Make sure you have Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Accumulo started, then install the dependencies for the application and start it.

$ cd node
$ npm install
$ NODE_ENV=production node node/server.js

Build and run the AmqpWebAnalytics class

$ cd java/webanalytics
$ mvn package
$ bin/

Fire up curl to load some data

$ curl http://localhost:3000/analytics/ -d "visitor="
$ curl http://localhost:3000/analytics/ -d "visitor="
$ curl http://localhost:3000/analytics/ -d "visitor="

Use the site to view the data at http://localhost:3000. You can also open up the Accumulo shell to verify that the record exists.

root@accumulo analytics> scan [] [] []

Having fun

If you really want to test out the server, try running siege to flood the process :D

# emerge -av app-benchmarks/siege
$ siege.config
$ siege -b -c 800 "http://localhost:3000/analytics/ POST visitor="