
Great node.js powered web-interface for your tri/quad/hexa/octa/helicopter.

MIT License



Node-copter is a node.js powered web-interface for your tri/quad/hexa/octa/helicopter. makes communication silky smooth, even over 3g-link.


* MAVLink connectivity (arducopter, megapirate)
* TCP and UDP relaying of raw mavlink-packets
* Raspberry pi camera support
* HTML5 interface
       * Start/Stop recording video
       * Live hud (speed, gps-reception, mode etc.)
       * Disk storage indicator
       * Live position on openstreetmap/google sat
       * Flightdata logging to sqlite-database
       * KML (Google Earth) export of flight path
       * Direct download of recorded video


Download tarball, extract to a spot that feels good, install node deps with npm install, copy config.json.template to config.json, edit to preferences, run copter.js!


* mavlink
* sqlite3
* serialport

###Start on boot:

* copy docs/nodecopter.initscript to /etc/init.d/nodecopter
* edit DIR (working directory) USER (some user with write 
  permissions in working directory) and DAEMON (usually have to include full path to node) in the new file
* sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nodecopter
* update-rc.d nodecopter defaults
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