
node express course given in November 2019


Node course

This course will cover building a backend server using node and express.

Course Plan

  • Node Introduction

    • What is Node
    • About Javascript
    • Hello World
    • Debugging
    • Advantages
  • Node Modules

    • What is Module
    • require, module.exports
    • module, exports, __dirname, __filename
    • NPM
    • NPX
  • Core Modules

    • Promise
    • global
    • process
    • Error
    • Error first callback
    • fs
    • promisify, callbackify
    • EventEmitter
    • Path
  • Express Introduction

    • about express
    • app
    • middleware
    • pattern middleware creator
    • express static
    • pattern: data through request
    • express.json(), express.urlencoded()
    • strategy pattern
    • express-session
    • passport
    • authorization
    • Router
    • express configurations
    • views + mustache
    • error handling
    • express generator
  • EX.

    • Rest server

    • create class TodoTasks with array of todos

    • array []

    • [{id: 1, title: 'hello', description}]

    • request type: GET url: /api/task/ send all items in array

    • request type POST url: /api/task/ add item to todo array send back the item i created status: 201

    • request type PUT:

      url: /api/task/:id/

      status: 202

      update a single item in the array

      send updated item

      type: DELETE

      url: /api/task/:id/

      status: 204

    • res.status(201).json({})

  • Unit Testing - Mocha

    • describe, it
    • first test
    • debugging the test
    • hooks
    • testing the server
  • Sequelize - working with DB

  • Video lecture EX. REST

  • Video Lecture GraphQL:

Findal EX: REST + Graphql

Chapter I

  • Create a new express project connected to sequelize
  • Create a new model and migration for User which contains the fields: firstName, email, password
  • Create a REST API for getting all the users, register a user, login a user
  • The login and register should provide a JWT token as well
  • The password in the users table should be hashed using the library bcrypt
  • Create the same API with GraphQL

Chapter II

  • Create a todo table and model
  • create a many to many associations between the user and the todo, every user can create many todos
  • serve that data using graphql, make sure you are able for each user to get all his messages and for each message to get his user

Chapter III

  • reading the todo list should be restricted to registered users
  • only if you pass the JWT token in the headers: Authorization will you be able to read it.
  • using passport add the JWT authentication to the todo rest api
  • Can you do the same with the GraphQL todo api?

Chapter VI

  • Add unit tests for all the apis