
Listen for git web hooks and automatically update and deploy code



Listen for git web hooks and automatically update and deploy code.


The source is available for download from GitHub. Clone the repository, copy config.local.js.orig to config.local.js and edit it to suit your needs (see below). Run npm install to install dependencies, then run node index.js and confirm the service successfully starts. Although the service should be stable, you will probably want to run it via a process supervisor such as pm2, monit, forever, supervisord, etc.


  • web_port - The HTTP port to listen to. Default is 23200.
  • run_as_user - Switch the process to another user after it has started.
    This is useful for running as root and logging to ie
    /var/log/gitdeploy.log, then dropping root privileges. Defaults to empty.
  • log_path - Relative or absolute path for the log file. Defaults to
  • log_level - Logging verbosity. Valid values are debug, info, warn, and
    error. Defaults to debug.
  • forward_to - An optional array of URLs to forward incoming pings to.
    Useful for pinging servers that are not publicly accessible.
  • repositories - An array of repository objects describing local
    git clones. Each repository object consists of the following fields:
    • url - Public web URL of the repository. This must match what
      GitHub/Bitbucket/etc send exactly. An example is
    • path - Local path to the cloned repository. This must be an absolute
    • deploy - (Optional) A script or shell command to run after git pull
      has finished. This is usually a deployment or notification script.