
IRC bot made with NodeJS. Just for fun. NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE.


IRC bot made with NodeJS

Hacked this thing together just for the fun of it. Built on top of Node-IRC-module.


  • Send commands to the bot with !-prefix (e.g. !google NodeJS)
  • Attach observers that react to certain situations (such as specific keywords in conversations etc)
  • Add new functionality (commands and observers) on the fly without rebooting the bot!
  • Bot can have 1 or many admins
  • Auto-op bot admin(s). Requires the bot to have +o of course.
  • Auto-op users defined in ./autoop.json. WARNING: Auto-op is nick based so use cautiously (if at all)!
  • Optional per channel greetings for newly joined user defined in ./greetings.json
  • Admin can send basic IRC commands like /mode, /join, /part and make the bot say things

Core commands

  • !help - prints list of available commands
  • !reload - Reloads commands, observeres, greeting lists and auto-op lists (admin only)
  • !quit - (admin only)

IRC commands

Admin only.

The usage of the bot mostly requires the admin to be on the same IRC channel as the bot. Commands work mostly the same way as their "native" IRC counterparts, meaning !command matches the IRC /command... mostly :)

  • !join <channel> or !join <channel> <password> if it has one
  • !part if on a channel or !part <channel> if called elsewhere
  • !say <something> if on a channel or !say <channel> <something> if called elsewhere
  • !ban <someone>
  • !unban <someone>
  • !kick <someone>
  • !op <someone>
  • !deop <someone>
  • !mode <command> or !mode <command> <nick>

Configurable/Example commands

Found in ./commands-folder.

  • !google - returns links to top 3 google results
  • !wiki - returns links to top 3 wikipedia results
  • !so - returns links to top 3 stackoverflow results

(message) Observers

These are the fun things!

  • URL title resolver: When an (http/https) URL is pasted into a channel, the bot will fetch the URL and display the page title (great for youtube links especially)
  • Jallu wisdom: When someone mentions "jallu", the great liquor from Finland, also known as "cut brandy" the bot will make a wise remark!


  1. git clone
  2. node-irc-bot
  3. npm install
  4. cp example-configurations/example-config.json config-json
  5. Edit the config-json
  6. node index.js

Adding functionality


  1. Add functionality wrapped into CommonJS module.exports funcion into JavaScript-file and place it to ./commands-folder
  2. Important: The filename will be the command, e.g. foo.js will become command !foo
  3. Run !reload-command on as a bot admin
  4. Profit...?


... basically the same process as with commands, but observers aren't activated by !command, but instead they're meant for monitoring conversation and act on them.


  • Features
    • Add "spam-protection", basically a timeout for non-bot-admin users
    • Error messages to IRC commands: such as "missing argument etc"
  • Docs/Examples
    • Improve docs
    • Add another observer example
  • Refactor
    • !google, !so and !wiki-commands share quite much logic, maybe refactor that logic into separate module etc?
    • Refactor the commandHandler module
    • There's quite many synchronous functions in the code, consider refactoring to asynchronous
    • After everything's cleaned up and so, consider bundling as npm module
    • Unit tests?