
Fully functional CLI task tool for the framework "jus" (WiP)



jus [dʒʌs] is a project of a full stack framework for Node.JS.

This framework will bring CLI task management, generation capabilities, environment dependeng settings, fully-featured i18n, server based on express…

JUS Tasks

jus-task is the Command Line Interface for jus.


npm install jus-task

CLI Usage

jus help

  jus [OPTIONS] [Task] [ARGUMENTS]

  --help          Show this help and exit
  --version       Show version and exit
  --no-color      Disable ANSI color

Available tasks:
  Call "jus list"

jus list

  just [OPTIONS] namespace:task [ARGUMENTS]

  :help          Display help for a given task (help)
  :generate      Generate skeleton for new task (gen-task)
  :list          List available tasks (list)

Execute a task

jus [OPTIONS] <namespace>:<task name> [ARGUMENTS]

Create a new task

Jus will search for tasks as any JS file in a "tasks" folder within:

  • current folder
  • jus-task installation folder
  • any "node_modules" folder in one of those directories (recursively)

Any file in this folder will be loaded as a module, that's supposed to return an instance of Task.

Call jus task:generate namespace task_name to generate a new task namespace:task_name.

Example: jus task:generate hello kitty will generate tasks/hello.kitty.js.

const tasks = require('jus-task');
const helper = tasks.helper;
const Task = tasks.Task;

module.exports = new Task({
  "namespace":        'hello',
  "name":             'kitty',
  "aliases":          [],
  "description":      'Long description for your task\nthat can be multi-line',
  "shortDescription": 'Short description for your task',
  "configure":        function() {
    this.addOption({"name":'foo', "shortName":'f', "mandatory":false, "default":'bar'});
    this.addArgument({"name":'baz', "mandatory":false, "default":'some value'});
  "execute":          function(opts, args) {
    helper.logSection('option', 'foo = ' +;
    helper.logSection('argument', 'baz = ' + args.baz);

Call jus help hello:kitty to check usage of your freshly created task.


API is not fully documented yet, but generated tasks should bring a good base to see how it works :)

Check files into this folder's tasks subdirectory. These are the default tasks embedded with jus-task, and they could learn you a lot about how you can write tasks interacting with file-system for example.

jus-task module

const tasks = require('jus-task')

  • list() → Hash, key being the namespace, value being the tasks list. Each list is a hash, key being the task's name, and value being the Task instance.
  • find(name) → Instance of Task, name can be the full name (hello:kitty) or of its aliases. If task is not found, an Error is thrown.
  • Task → Class of tasks.


  • #constructor(options) → Available options: "namespace", "name", "execute" (callback), "description", "shortDescription", "aliases", "configure" (callback called during initialization).
  • matchName(name) → Returns true if given name matches task's full name or one of its aliases.
  • addOption(options) → Adds a new option recognized by the task, this option will be available in the opts hash passed to execute().
  • addArgument(options) → Adds a new argument recognized by the task, this argument will be available in the args hash passed to execute().
  • execute(opts, args) → Executes the task.







Run a task programmatically

Example equivalent to jus help list:

const tasks = require('jus-task')
tasks.find('help').execute({}, {'task': 'list'})

Why would I use JUS Task ?

  • It eases the development of CLI tools: just run jus gen-task my-namespace my-task, then follow the steps :)
  • It has a souple and robust understanding of the CLI options. I don't like to reinvent the wheel, but I wanted a real parser for options, and all the tested ones (parseopt, nopt, getopt) didn't do the trick. Your users will have a full support of the usual ways to provide values for short/long options:
    • --foo=value
    • --foo value
    • -fvalue
    • -f value
  • It provides automatic support for some useful common options you wouldn't want to reimplement each time you create such a script :
    • --debug to enable debug mode (check helper.debugMode in your task)
    • --log-level to change debug mode (then helper.log() will only display the proper messages)
    • --help will display full usage of your task + descriptions & co (if you provided some)
  • It abstracts options parsing: just declare your options/arguments, name them, declare alias or whatever, you'll always receive the same expected hashes. Positional arguments become named arguments on your side, and that is cool :)

All these are already good reasons to use it in your project now.

This tool is built to be included in my future framework jus, and will be the default way to provide maintenance scripts and so on (like managing server, enabling features, generating modules…).