
Lanyrd event scraper for Node.js

MIT License



Lanyrd event scraper for Node.js.

Why a Scraper? They don't have an API (yet).


Install the module with: npm install lanyrd-scraper

Basic Usage

The scrape function accepts an event or series URL and a callback.

The examples below use the shorthand URL format:

var lanyrd = require('lanyrd-scraper');

lanyrd.scrape('2012/web-directions-code', function(err, event){
  console.log(event); // Object containing event data

lanyrd.scrape('series/melbjs', function(err, series){
  console.log(series); // Object containing series data

Advanced Usage

If you want more control than the basic scrape function, the parsing functions it uses internally are exposed to you via the parse object.

You can parse markup with the following functions:

var lanyrd = require('lanyrd-scraper');

lanyrd.parse.event(markup, function(err, event) {
  console.log(event); // Object containing event data

lanyrd.parse.series(markup, function(err, series) {
  console.log(series); // Object containing series data

Using this method, you are free to load the markup however you wish.

Event Data

The following properties are available on the returned event object:

  'title': String,
  'tagline': String,
  'websiteUrl': String,
  'scheduleUrl': String,
  'location': String,
  'startDate': String,
  'endDate': String,
  'time': String,
  'hashtag': String,
  'twitterHandle': String,
  'venues': [
      'name': String,
      'address': String,
      'note': String,
      'googleMapsUrl': String
  'speakers': [
      'name': String,
      'twitterHandle': String
  'sessions': [
      'title': String,
      'url': String,
      'startTime': String,
      'speakers': [
          'name': String,
          'twitterHandle': String
  'attendees': [
      'name': String,
      'twitterHandle': String

Series Data

The following properties are available on the returned series object:

  'title': String,
  'events': [
      'title': String,
      'url': String,
      'date': String,
      'time': String

Websites using lanyrd-scraper

If you'd like to see your site on this list, send me a pull request.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.

Lint your code with grunt lint and run tests with grunt test

All code is linted and tested automatically once pushed using Travis CI.


Copyright (c) 2013 Mark Dalgleish Licensed under the MIT license.