
Debug node for Node-RED to push notification to monitor system

MIT License



![Gitter]( Chat.svg)

If you are using

that node is made for you!


  • Send all input messages to Keymetrics as event or metrics
  • The Debug node can be connected to the output of any node. It can be used to push the output of any message property to the Keymetrics dashbord. The default is to display msg.payload.
  • The button to the right of the node will toggle its output on and off so you can de-clutter the debug window.
  • Optionally can show the complete msg object.
  • Alerts are also displayed as alerts in Keymetrics.


PM2 & Keymetrics

  • To run Node-RED with PM2 have a look on Node-RED documentation
  • To integrate Keymetrics register and after that may look at this.
  • Check whether Keymetrics receives data.

Node package

  • Then we can install the new node, and restart Node-RED:
cd ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-keymetrics
pm2 restart node-red

Open your Node-RED Frontend and you will find the new node under the group output. Happy wiring!

  1. PM2 is a process manager for Node.js. It makes it easy to run applications on boot and ensure they are restarted if necessary.
  • makes it easy to monitor and manage apps accross servers.