
A Node-RED UI node to show SVG drawings in Node-RED dashboard v2

APACHE-2.0 License



A Node-RED ui node for Dashboard D2, to display a 2-way interactive drawing with scalable vector graphics (SVG).


Since this node is in an experimental phase, it is not available on NPM yet. So not available in the palette!

Run the following npm command in your Node-RED user directory (typically ~/.node-red), to install this node directly from this Github repo:

npm install bartbutenaers/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-svg

Note that you need to have Git installed, in order to be able to execute this command.

Support my Node-RED developments

Please buy my wife a coffee to keep her happy, while I am busy developing Node-RED stuff for you ...

Status of this project

This repository contains an early alpha version. It still lacks MANY features from the old svg node, which I had developed at the time being for the old AngularJs Node-RED dashboard (which is end of life).

This new node won't look in any way to the old svg node. I understand that people would like to have a simple replacement for their old svg node inside the new dashboard D2. But that won't be the case for many reasons:

  1. Severe lack of free time. Remember that I am not a software company...
  2. VueJs (combined with Vite builds) is a complete different technology compared to AngularJs.
  3. Lots of features have sneaked in the old ui node, which I regretted afterwards that I have agreed to implement. They didn't fit into the overal design, and gave me a lot of maintainance issues afterwards.
  4. The old svg node has grown organically over the years to become a little monster. Some parts should be separated into separate nodes, like e.g. the ability to open the svg in a drawing editor.
  5. Replacement of the DrawSvg editor by another one offers layers, for example SVG-Edit.
  6. In the old nodes there were a lot of issues from users that tried to implement workarounds for the lack of a server-side state. But all these implementations had their own disadvantages. Hopefully I can solve this kind of troubles by keeping a server-side virtual DOM tree in sync with the DOM trees in the browsers.
  7. Server-side management of animations, to avoid that new clients don't receive active animations.
  8. Cleanup of input/output message formats, to make things (hopefully) easier to get started with.

Some remarks:

  • Most of these features still needs to be implemented, so there is no point yet to start registering issues.
  • Due to the lack of free time, there is also no roadmap or ETA.
  • Take into account that at this moment there will be most probably breaking changes, and no backwards compatibility will be provided!

Of course contributions are very welcome! Just make sure to discuss it in advance (by opening an issue), because - as explained above - the new node will not be a modern lookalike of the old node.

Node usage

The SVG drawing is interactive in two ways:

  • Input messages can be injected into the node, to change the shapes inside the drawing.
  • Output messages will be send by this node, when certain events occur on shapes inside the drawing.

All the example flows below, will be available via the Node-RED 'Import' menu. In some of these examples a selector property in the input message is being used to select one or more elements (via a CSS selector).

Set and get SVG

  • Set: In most cases, users will create their drawing using an external SVG drawing editor software. Once finished, the entire SVG string can be injected into this node to display it in the dashboard. The current SVG drawing will be completely removed and replaced by the new SVG drawing.

    "payload": {
       "command": "set_svg",
       "svg": "<circle id='my_circle' cx='250' cy='70' r='50' style='fill:red:'>"
  • Get: It is also possible to get the SVG string from this node, send in an output message. That SVG string will be the original injected SVG string, inclusive all manipulations executed via input messages.

    "payload": {
       "command": "get_svg"

See example flow:

Get delta

Once a new SVG drawing is created (by adding a new SVG node to the flow or via the set_svg command), that drawing can be enhanced via input messages. Which means there will be a delta between the initial SVG drawing and the current enhanced SVG drawing. That delta can be fetched for informational purpose:

"payload": {
    "command": "get_delta"

See example flow:

Update SVG

When a new SVG drawing has been set and it has been enhanced afterwards via commands in input messages, then there will be a delta between the intial drawing and the current enhanced drawing. In some use cases it is required to update that initial drawing, but that delta needs to be applied again:

"payload": {
   "command": "update_svg",
   "svg": "<text id='my_text' x='50' y='160' style='font: italic 40px serif;'>Hello Node-RED!</text>"

See example flow:


  • The difference with the set_svg command is that the latter command does not take into account the available delta.
  • Typical use case:
    1. Draw a floorplan using an external software.
    2. Inject the floorplan SVG drawing using a set_svg command.
    3. Enhance the floorplan using input messages (e.g. color a sensor red when it is in alert).
    4. Do some changes to the floorplan using the external software.
    5. Inject the updated floorplan using an update_svg command.
    6. The updated floorplan will be displayed inclusive the sensor in red.
  • This will only work correctly if the id's of the SVG elements are not changed!

Adding and removing elements

  • Add new elements dynamically to a drawing:

    "payload": {
       "command": "add_element",
       "type": "ellipse",
       "id": "my_ellipse",
       "attributes": {
          "cx": "150",
          "cy": "80",
          "rx": "80",
          "ry": "30"
       "style": {
          "fill": "purple"
  • Remove existing elements from a drawing:

    "payload": {
       "command": "remove_element",
       "selector": "#my_ellipse"

See example flow:

Creating material design icons

Dashboard D2 supports Material Design Icons (see list of icons), which are very convenient inside an SVG drawing. Those can be created by adding a simple text element:

"payload": {
   "command": "add_element",
   "id": "#my_icon",
   "type": "text",
   "attributes": {
      "x": "150",
      "y": "120",
      "fill": "red"
   "style": {
      "font-family": "Material Design Icons",
      "font-weight": "bold",
      "font-size": "100px"
   "text": "{{mdi-cctv}}"

See example flow:

Set, get and remove attributes

The attributes of an element can be manipulated via input messages:

  • Set: overwrite the value of an existing attribute, or create a new attribute if it doesn't exist yet.

    "payload": {
       "command": "set_attribute",
       "selector": "#my_path",
       "attribute": "stroke",
       "value": "red"
  • Get: get the value of an attribute.

    "payload": {
       "command": "get_attribute",
       "selector": "#my_path",
       "attribute": "d"
  • Remove: remove an attribute from an element.

    "payload": {
       "command": "remove_attribute",
       "selector": "#my_path",
       "attribute": "stroke-width"
  • Replace: replace part of the value of an attribute, based on a regex match. To be used in case it is too hard to compose the entire attribute value from scratch in a flow.

    "payload": {
       "command": "replace_attribute",
       "selector": "#my_path",
       "attribute": "d",
       "regex": "M[^ ]+ [^ ]+ Q [^ ]+ ([^ ]+), [^ ]+ [^ ]+ T [^ ]+ [^ ]+",
       "value": "20"

See example flow:

Add, get and remove style

Elements can have a (CSS) style, which consists out of one or more style attributes.

  • Set: the value of an existing stye attribute, or create a new style attribute if it doesn't exist yet. --> TODO should become set instead of add!

    "payload": {
       "command": "set_style_attribute",
       "selector": "#my_rectangle",
       "attribute": "fill",
       "value": "orange"
  • Set: the the entire style, i.e. all available style attributes at once.

    "payload": {
       "command": "set_style",
       "selector": "#my_rectangle",
       "style": {
          "fill": "red",
          "stroke": "blue"
  • Get: get the value of a style attribute. --> TODO implement

  • Remove: remove a style attribute from an element.

    "payload": {
       "command": "remove_style_attribute",
       "selector": "#my_rectangle",
       "attribute": "stroke"

See example flow:

Set and get text content

Among others, SVG text elements have a text content that can be get or set.

  • Set text content of an SVG element:

    "payload": {
       "command": "set_text",
       "selector": "#my_text",
       "text": "Text content updated"
  • *Get" text content of an SVG element:

    "payload": {
       "command": "get_text",
       "selector": "#my_text"

See example flow:

Note that tools like (e.g. Inkscape) create SVG drawings with text elements that have a nested tspan element, which contain the text content. You can set the text content of such a nested tspan element via the selector:

"payload": {
   "command": "set_text",
   "selector": "#my_text > tspan",
   "text": "Tspan content updated"

Add and remove events

Apply events (e.g. click) to elements, to trigger actions (e.g. send output message) when these events occur on those elements.

  • Add event to the specified SVG element(s).

    "payload": {
       "command": "add_event",
       "selector": "#my_circle",
       "message": {
          "topic": "click event triggered",
          "payload": "circle clicked"
       "event": "click"
  • Remove event from the specified SVG element(s).

    "payload": {
       "command": "remove_event",
       "selector": "#my_circle",
       "event": "click"

See example flow:

Add, remove, start and stop animations

Animations can be used to change SVG elements (e.g. attribute values) over time from one value to another.

TODO: not possible to add an animation element with a specified id to multiple svg elements.

  • Add an animation, as a child element of the SVG element that needs to be animated. An animation can be created like any other SVG element:

    "payload": {
       "command": "add_element",
       "type": "animate",
       "id": "my_animation",
       "parentSelector": "#my_circle",
       "attributes": {
          "attributeName": "r",
          "from": "40",
          "to": "10",
          "dur": "3s",
          "repeatCount": "indefinite"
  • Remove an animation.

    "payload": {
       "command": "remove_element",
       "selector": "#my_animation",
  • Start an animation.

    "payload": {
       "command": "start_animation",
       "selector": "#my_animation",
  • Stop an animation.

    "payload": {
       "command": "stop_animation",
       "selector": "#my_animation",

See example flow: