
yet another distributed task queue using redis for node.js

MIT License


Distributed Job Queue for Node.js backed by Redis

How it works

  • Register tasks that can be performed. Each task definition lives in its
    own node module.
  • When you submit a processing job, you choose which task to run and
    supply a resource ID. If multiple processing jobs are submitted for the
    same resource ID, only one of them will run at a time.
  • Jobs are taken from a redis queue; so the task could be performed on any
    computer with access to the resource.
  • When you want to shutdown, call shutdown and wait for the callback. This
    will shutdown the queue gracefully, allowing any in progress jobs to
    complete. This works well in tandem with naught
  • Workers can either run as child processes for extra concurrency and safety,
    or can run in the same memory context as your main process, for extra
    simplicity and convenience.
  • This module is only made to work with the Redis single instance configuration.
  • When a job fails or the process dies while a job is executing, the job is
    moved to a failed jobs queue. You can then retry failed jobs or delete them.


var JobQueue = require('redis-dist-job-queue');
var jobQueue = new JobQueue();



var options = {resourceId: 'resource_id', params: {theString: "derp"}};
jobQueue.submitJob('thisIsMyTaskId', options, function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;"job submitted");

jobQueue.on('error', function(err) {
  console.error("job queue error:", err.stack);


module.exports = {
  id: 'thisIsMyTaskId',
  perform: function(params, callback) {;




  • namespace - redis key namespace. Defaults to "redis-dist-job-queue."
  • queueId - the ID of the queue on redis that we are connecting to.
    Defaults to "default".
  • redisConfig - defaults to an object with properties:
    • host -
    • port - 6379
    • db - 0
  • childProcessCount - If set to 0 (the default), no child processes are
    created. Instead all jobs are performed in the current process. If set to
    a positive number, that many worker child processes are created.
  • workerCount - number of workers for this JobQueue instance, per child
    process. So if childProcessCount is positive, total concurrency for this
    server is childProcessCount * workerCount. If childProcessCount is 0,
    total concurrency for this server is workerCount. Defaults to the number
    of CPU cores on the computer.
  • flushStaleTimeout - every this many milliseconds, scan for jobs that
    crashed while executing and moves them from the processing queue to the
    failed job queue. Defaults to 30000.


Starts the desired number of workers listening on the queue.

It's quite possible that you never want to call start(). For example, the case where you want a server to submit processing jobs, but not perform them.


You must register all the tasks you want to be able to perform before calling start().

modulePath is resolved just like a call to require.

The node module at modulePath must export these options:

  • id - unique task ID that identifies what function to call to perform
    the task
  • perform(params, callback) - function which actually does the task.
    • params - the same params you gave to submitJob, JSON encoded
      and then decoded.
    • callback(err) - call it when you're done processing. Until you call
      this callback, the resource is locked and no other processing job will
      touch it.

And it may export these optional options:

  • timeout - milliseconds since last heartbeat to wait before considering
    a job failed. defaults to 10000.

jobQueue.submitJob(taskId, options, callback)

Adds a job to the queue to be processed by the next available worker.

  • taskId - the id field of a task you registered with registerTask
  • options - object containing any of these properties:
    • resourceId - a unique identifier for the resource you are about to
      process. Only one job will run at a time per resource.
    • params - an object which will get serialized to and from JSON and then
      passed to the perform function of a task.
    • retries - how many times to retry a job before moving it to the failed
      queue. Defaults to 0.
  • callback(err) - lets you know when the job made it onto the queue


Gracefully begins the shutdown process allowing any ongoing tasks to finish. callback is called once everything is completly shut down.


Moves all jobs from the failed queue to the pending queue.


Deletes all jobs from the failed queue.


Forces an immediate flushing of jobs that crashed while executing. Jobs of this sort are put into the failed queue, and you can then retry or delete them. You probably don't want to call forceFlushStaleJobs manually. It's mostly for testing purposes.