
Execute a string of JavaScript using Node.js and return the global variable values and functions.

MIT License



Execute a string of JavaScript using Node.js and return the global variable values and functions.

  • Supported on Node.js 16 and newer.
  • Uses var, let, const, function, Array and Object destructuring assignment.
  • Async-only as of v5.0.
  • Can return any valid JS data type (including functions).
  • Can provide an external data object as context to the local execution scope
  • Transforms ESM import statements to work with current CommonJS limitations in Node’s vm.
  • Uses Node’s vm module to execute JavaScript
    • ⚠️ The node:vm module is not a security mechanism. Do not use it to run untrusted code.
    • codeGeneration (e.g. eval) is disabled by default; use setCreateContextOptions({codeGeneration: { strings: true, wasm: true } }) to re-enable.
    • Works with or without --experimental-vm-modules flag (for vm.Module support). (v5.0.0 and newer)
    • Future-friendly feature tests for when vm.Module is stable and --experimental-vm-modules is no longer necessary. (v5.0.0 and newer)
  • In use on:


Available on npm

npm install node-retrieve-globals


Works from Node.js with ESM and CommonJS:

import { RetrieveGlobals } from "node-retrieve-globals";
// const { RetrieveGlobals } = await import("node-retrieve-globals");

And then:

let code = `var a = 1;
const b = "hello";

function hello() {}`;

let vm = new RetrieveGlobals(code);

await vm.getGlobalContext();


{ a: 1, b: "hello", hello: function hello() {} }

Pass in your own Data and reference it in the JavaScript code

let code = `let ref = myData;`;

let vm = new RetrieveGlobals(code);

await vm.getGlobalContext({ myData: "hello" });


{ ref: "hello" }

Advanced options

// Defaults shown
let options = {
	reuseGlobal: false, // re-use Node.js `global`, important if you want `console.log` to log to your console as expected.
	dynamicImport: false, // allows `import()`
	addRequire: false, // allows `require()`
	experimentalModuleApi: false, // uses Module#_compile instead of `vm` (you probably don’t want this and it is bypassed by default when vm.Module is supported)

await vm.getGlobalContext({}, options);


  • v6.0.0 Changes import and require to be project relative (not relative to this package on the file system).
  • v5.0.0 Removes sync API, swap to async-only. Better compatibility with --experimental-vm-modules Node flag.
  • v4.0.0 Swap to use Module._compile as a workaround for #2 (Node regression with experimental modules API in Node v20.10+)
  • v3.0.0 ESM-only package. Node 16+