
Send a Webmention

LGPL-3.0 License



Send a Webmention.

Originally written for similar reasons as get-webmention-url - webmention-client was way overcomplicated and seemed unmaintained.

This project is, however, API-compatible with @connrs' module.


npm install send-webmention


This module is a drop-in replacement for webmention-client with the following exceptions:

  • It uses get-webmention-url under the hood so it supports more discovery mechanisms (and has less bugs)
  • It considers any 2xx response to mean success, not just 202 Accepted
  • It returns the HTTP response object instead of trying to be clever with the body

The module exports a function with several forms:

webmention(source, target[, userAgent], callback)

source (String): the source URL for the Webmention.

target (String): the target URL to send the Webmention to.

userAgent (String; optional): the value of the User-Agent header for all HTTP requests

callback (Function): function that will be called when the Webmention has been sent. See "callback return values" below

webmention(opts, callback)

opts (Object): options object with at least a target key and a source key, plus an optional ua key to set the User-Agent

callback (Function): function that will be called when the Webmention has been sent. See "callback return values" below

Callback return values

The callback function will receive either an error as the first argument or an object as the second argument (never both).

If everything goes (mostly) okay, you'll get the object back. The object will have one or two keys, success (which is a Boolean) and res (which is an instance of http.IncomingMessage and is included only if the target had a Webmention endpoint that we POSTed to). success will be true if the Webmention was successfully delivered and the response used a 2xx status code. Otherwise it will be false.

If an error is encountered during processing (this mostly means HTTP errors), you'll get back an Error instead. Note that a page not having a Webmention endpoint or a non-2xx response will not result in an Error, but they will result in success being set to false.


var webmention = require('send-webmention'),
    concat = require('concat-stream');

webmention('', '', function(err, obj) {
    if (err) throw err;

    if (obj.success) {
        obj.res.pipe(function(buf) {
            console.log('Success! Got back response:', buf.toString());
    } else {
        console.log('Failure :(');
var webmention = require('send-webmention'),
    concat = require('concat-stream');

webmention('', '', 'webmention-5000/1.0.0', function(err, obj) {
    // Same thing
var webmention = require('send-webmention'),
    concat = require('concat-stream');

               source: '',
               target: ''
           function(err, obj) {
               // Same thing
var webmention = require('send-webmention'),
    concat = require('concat-stream');

               source: '',
               target: '',
               ua: 'webmention-5000/1.0.0'
           function(err, obj) {
               // Same thing

Security considerations

This module does absolutely nothing to address the Webmention spec's security considerations section. You need to take care of this yourself.

Version support

Supports Node 8+.


AJ Jordan [email protected]


Lesser GPL 3.0+