
Automatically generates SQL definitions for use by the sql NodeJS module



This library is a command line tool/API for automatically generating definitions usable by the node-sql library. It inspects your database and generates JavaScript.

Currently there is support for MySQL, Postgres and MSSQL.


Install via NPM: npm install -g sql-generate

This will put the binary node-sql-generate in your path.

Note: you will need to install the appropriate client drivers separately (mysql, pg, mssql). This module does not install those dependencies for you (this was changed as of v1.0.0).


Command line

In its simplest form, you do something like this: node-sql-generate --dsn "mysql://user:password@server/database" which will spit out the generated code to stdout.

// autogenerated by node-sql-generate v0.1.2 on Tue May 21 2013 01:04:12 GMT-0700 (PDT)
var sql = require('sql');

 * SQL definition for
 */ = sql.define({
	name: 'bar',
	columns: [

 * SQL definition for
 */ = sql.define({
	name: 'foo',
	columns: [

If your DSN isn't as specific (i.e. it just points to a socket file), then you'll need to specify the database and dialect explicitly: node-sql-generate --dsn "/var/run/mysql.sock" --database "test" --dialect "mysql"

Postgres users will need to specify a schema: node-sql-generate --dsn "postgres://user:password@server/database" --schema "test".

Omitting it will assume a schema of "public".


  Usage: node-sql-generate [options]


    -h, --help                     output usage information
    -V, --version                  output the version number
    --dsn <dsn>                    Connection string
    -d, --dialect <dialect>        Specify the SQL dialect: "mysql", "pg" or "mssql"
    -o, --output-file <file>       Output to this file; defaults to stdout
    -i, --indent <token>           Indentation token; defaults to a TAB character
    -D, --database <name>          Name of database to extract from
    -s, --schema <name>            Name of schema to extract from (Postgres/MSSQL only)
    -r, --exclude-regex <regexes>  Comma-delimited list of regular expressions for tables to exclude
    --camelize                     Convert underscored names to camel case, requires sql >= 0.18.0
    --eol <token>                  Line terminator token; defaults to "\n"
    --mode <mode>                  The permission mode of the generated file; defaults to 0644
    --encoding <encoding>          The encoding to use for writing; defaults to "utf8"
    --prepend <text>               Prepend text to the beginning of the file
    --append <text>                Append text to the end of the file
    --modularize                   Omit "require('sql')" and wrap generated code in "module.exports = function(sql) {...}"
    --omit-comments                Omit autogenerated comments
    --include-schema               Include schema in definition
    --include-meta                 Include metadata for columns (purely information, not used by sql lib)
    -v, --verbose                  Print debugging information

Example DSN:
  PostgreSQL: "postgres://user:password@host:5432/database"
       MySQL: "mysql://user:password@host:3306/database"
       MSSQL: "mssql://server=server[\instance];database=database;user=user;password=password;"


You can also generate these files programmatically.

var generateSqlDefinition = require('sql-generate'),
	options = {
		dsn: 'mysql://user:password@host/database',
		omitComments: true,
		prepend: '// (c) 2013 the raddest dude alive',
		excludeRegex: [ /raster_/, /geography_/, /geometry_/ ]

generateSqlDefinition(options, function(err, stats) {
	if (err) {



To run the tests, you'll need to install Vagrant.

git clone [email protected]:tmont/node-sql-generate.git
cd node-sql-generate
npm install
vagrant up linux
npm test

Windows Testing

The Vagrant script will install a Windows VM which takes up about 14GB on your hard drive. Install at your own risk :)

Run vagrant up windows to provision the windows VM.

Also, some users experienced segfaults while running windows tests (probably due to unrelated environment issues) on Linux. This issue only manifested in node 0.12 (0.10.x was okay). Other users reported no issues (on OS X and Linux).

Travis does not yet support Windows, so the MSSQL tests are disabled when run by continuous integration.