
Interacts with the site for account management



A module for interacting with the Steam store site from Node.js. Currently not a lot of functionality is supported.

Logging In

This module cannot facilitate logins to the store site directly. You'll need to use something like steam-user or steamcommunity to login, and then use setCookies to set your login cookies in this module.

The cookies are the same for the store site and for the community site.


Please read this section in its entirety before starting work with SteamStore.

Callbacks and Promises

All methods listed in this document that accept a callback also return a Promise. You may use either callbacks or promises.

Legacy callbacks return their data spanning across multiple arguments. All promises (which return any data at all) return a single object containing one or more properties. The names of these properties for legacy callbacks are the names of the callback arguments listed in this readme. Newer callbacks return a single object response argument, which is identical to the promise output for that method.

Some methods indicate that their callback is required or optional. You are never required to use callbacks over promises, but if a callback is listed as optional then an unhandled promise rejection will not raise a warning/error. If a callback is listed as required and you neither supply a callback nor handle the promise rejection, then a promise rejection will raise a warning, and eventually a crash in a future Node.js release.



v1.1.0 or later is required to use this property

A SteamID object for the currently logged-in user.



  • options - An optional object containing zero or more of these properties:
    • timeout - The timeout to use for HTTP(S) requests, in milliseconds; default is 50000 (50 seconds)
    • userAgent - The user-agent header value; default is Chrome 56
    • request - A request instance
      • This allows you to specify your own defaults on the request instance
      • These options will always be overridden on the request instance: jar, timeout, gzip, headers['User-Agent']

Constructs a new instance of steamstore. Example:

const SteamStore = require('steamstore');
let store = new SteamStore();


const SteamStore = require('steamstore');
let store = new SteamStore({"timeout": 30000});


  • cookie - The cookie, in "name=value" string format

Sets a single cookie to steamstore's internal cookie jar.


  • cookies - An array of cookies, in "name=value" string format

Simply calls setCookie for each cookie in the array.


Returns the value of the sessionid cookie, or creates a new random one and adds it to the cookie jar if not present.

addPhoneNumber(number[, bypassConfirmation], callback)

  • number - Your phone number, with a leading plus and the country code
    • Example: +18885550123
  • bypassConfirmation - true if you want to ignore any confirmation-level errors (see below). Default false
  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success. The confirmation property will be true if this is
      a confirmation-level error which can be overridden by setting bypassConfirmation to true

Adds a new phone number to your account. This triggers a verification Email to be sent. You can continue the process by calling sendPhoneNumberVerificationMessage


  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

v2.3.0 or later is required to use this method

Call this method after you've clicked on the link in the email you received after you called addPhoneNumber(). This triggers a verification SMS to be sent. You can provide the verification code to verifyPhoneNumber to finalize the process.


  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Asks the Steam servers to resend the verification SMS to your pending-confirmation phone number. This will fail if you request it too soon after the last SMS was sent.

verifyPhoneNumber(code, callback)

  • code - Your SMS verification code
  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Verify your pending-verification phone number using the SMS code.


  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Starts the process to remove your phone number from your account. This will send an SMS verification code to your phone. Call confirmRemovePhoneNumber with the code to finalize the process.

confirmRemovePhoneNumber(code, callback)

  • code - Your SMS verification code
  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Finalizes the process of removing your phone number from your account.


  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success
    • hasVerifiedPhone - true if your account has a phone number linked, false if not
    • lastDigits - If you have a phone number, this is a string containing the last 4 digits of your number

v1.3.0 or later is required to use this method

Checks whether your account has a phone number linked or not.


  • callback - A function to be called when the request completes
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success
    • ownedApps - An array containing the AppID of each app which your account owns
    • ownedPackages - An array containing the PackageID of each package which your account owns
    • wishlistedApps - An array containing the AppID of each app that's on your wishlist
    • ignoredApps - An array containing the AppID of each app which you've clicked "Not Interested" on
    • suggestedTags - An object containing the tags which are suggested for you. Keys are TagIDs, values are the tag names.

v1.1.0 or later is required to use this method

Gets information about products that your account owns, ignores, wants, or is recommended.

sendGift(giftID, recipient, recipientName, message, closing, signature[, callback])

  • giftID - The gift's ID (also known as the asset ID of the item in your Steam gift inventory)
  • recipient - The recipient's SteamID (as a SteamID object or string) to send it over Steam. You need to be friends with the user.
  • recipientName - The name of the recipient to put in the gift email/popup
  • message - The message to include in the email/popup
  • closing - The closing to include in the email/popup
  • signature - Your name to include in the email/popup
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

v1.4.0 or later is required to use this method

Sends a Steam gift in your inventory to another user. The gift will remain in your inventory until the recipient accepts it. You can re-send a gift which you've already sent. Gifts don't have to be tradable in order to be sent.

createWallet(walletCode, billingAddress, callback)

  • walletCode - A Steam wallet code you want to redeem
  • billingAddress - An object containing these properties:
    • address - Your street address
    • city - Your city
    • country - Your country code, e.g. "US"
    • state - Your state, e.g. "FL"
    • postalCode - Your postal/ZIP code
  • callback - Required. Called when the requested data is available.
    • err - An Error object if the request fails, or null otherwise
    • eresult - An EResult value from SteamStore.EResult
    • detail - A value from SteamStore.EPurchaseResult or undefined
    • redeemable - true if this code can be redeemed, false if not
    • amount - If redeemable, this is how much the code is worth, in its currency's lowest denomination (e.g. USD cents)
    • currencyCode - If redeemable, this is the currency of amount

v1.7.0 or later is required to use this method

Before you can redeem a Steam Wallet code, your account needs to have a wallet. If you don't yet have a wallet you can use this method to create one. Creating a wallet requires you to provide a wallet code, but the code won't be redeemed until you actually call redeemWalletCode.



redeemWalletCode(walletCode[, callback])

  • walletCode - The Steam wallet code you want to redeem
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object if the request fails, or null on success
    • eresult - An EResult value from SteamStore.EResult
    • detail - A value from SteamStore.EPurchaseResult or undefined
    • formattedNewWalletBalance - If redeemed successfully, this is your new wallet balance as a string, formatted for human display (e.g. $20.00)
    • amount - If redeemable, this is how much the code is worth, in its currency's lowest denomination (e.g. USD cents)

v1.5.0 or later is required to use this method

Attempts to redeem a Steam Wallet code on your account. This will call checkWalletCode first, and if the code is not redeemable, the callback will be invoked with an Error passed as the first parameter. That Error will have message Wallet code is not valid, with eresult and purchaseresultdetail properties defined on that Error object.


  • callback - Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object if the request fails, or null on success
    • response - The response object
      • formattedBalance - Your wallet balance as a string, formatted in your local currency (e.g. "$1.23")

v2.1.0 or later is required to use this method

Gets your current Steam wallet balance.

setDisplayLanguages(primary[, secondary][, callback])

  • primary - Your desired primary (display) language, as a string (e.g. english or danish)
  • secondary - Your desired secondary languages, as an array of strings of the same format as primary
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

v1.5.0 or later is required to use this method

Updates your account's display languages for the Steam store.

addFreeLicense(subID[, callback])

  • subID - The ID of the free-on-demand package you would like to claim
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

v2.0.0 or later is required to use this method

Request to add an eligible free-on-demand package to your Steam account.

removeLicense(subID[, callback])

  • subID - The ID of the complimentary license you would like to remove
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error objecton failure, or null on success

v2.2.0 or later is required to use this method

Removes an eligible complimentary license from your Steam account.