
A minimal node transform stream for splitting data into chunks


Stream chunker

This module implements the Node transform stream interface. It keeps an internal buffer of a given size, and will spit out a chunk each time it fills up.

If you want to split a large file into chunks, based on a delimiter, you would basically do this:

const fs = require('fs');
const StreamChunker = require('./streamChunker');
const chunker = new StreamChunker(20, '\n'); // The delimiter used here is \n
  .on('data', data => {
    // data here will be a chunk of 20 items.
  .on('finish', () => console.log('Stream finished.'));


The StreamChunker constructor takes three arguments:

  • chunkSize (number)
  • delimiter (string)
  • defaultEncoding (string, defaults to 'utf-8')