
Node.js SDK for

OTHER License


Wit Node.js SDK npm

node-wit is the Node.js SDK for


In your Node.js project, run:

npm install --save node-wit


Run in your terminal:

node examples/basic.js <WIT_TOKEN>

See examples folder for more examples. Some examples have associated .zip files, do not forget to import those when creating a new app and grab your access token from the Settings section.

Messenger integration example

See examples/messenger.js for a thoroughly documented tutorial.


The Wit module provides a Wit class with the following methods:

  • runComposerAudio - the Composer integration for voice;
  • runComposer - the Composer integration for other inputs;
  • converse - the Wit converse API;
  • event - the Wit event API;
  • message - the Wit message API;
  • speech - the Wit speech API;
  • dictation - the Wit dictation API;
  • synthesize - the Wit synthesize API.

You can also require a library function to test out your Wit app in the terminal. require('node-wit').interactive

Wit class

The Wit constructor takes the following parameters:

  • accessToken - the access token of your Wit instance;
  • actions - the object of client action definitions for Composer;
  • logger - (optional) the object handling the logging;
  • apiVersion - (optional) the API version to use instead of the recommended one

The logger object should implement the methods debug, info, warn and error. They can receive an arbitrary number of parameters to log. For convenience, we provide a Logger class, taking a log level parameter


const {Wit, log} = require('node-wit');

const actions = {
  confirm_order(contextMap) {
    return {context_map: {...contextMap, order_confirmation: 'PIZZA42'}};

const client = new Wit({
  accessToken: MY_TOKEN,
  logger: new log.Logger(log.DEBUG), // optional

console.log(client.message('set an alarm tomorrow at 7am'));


The Composer integration for voice.

Takes the following parameters:

  • sessionId - a unique string identifying the user session
  • contentType - the Content-Type header
  • body - the audio Readable stream
  • contextMap - the context map object

Emits partialTranscription, response and fullTranscription events. Run the provided actions as instructed by the API response, and calls back with the resulting updated context map (unless the action returns stop: true). The Promise returns the final JSON payload of the last API call (POST /converse or POST /event).

See lib/interactive.js for an example.


The Composer integration for other inputs, including text.

Takes the following parameters:

  • sessionId - a unique string identifying the user session
  • contextMap - the context map object
  • message - the optional user text query

Emits response events. Run the provided actions as instructed by the API response, and calls back with the resulting updated context map (unless the action returns stop: true). The Promise returns the final JSON payload of the last POST /event API call.

See lib/interactive.js for an example.


The Wit converse API.

Takes the following parameters:

  • sessionId - a unique string identifying the user session
  • contentType - the Content-Type header
  • body - the audio Readable stream
  • contextMap - the context map object

Emits partialTranscription, fullTranscription, and response events. Runs intermediate actions as instructed by the API.

We recommend to use .runComposerAudio() instead of this raw API.


The Wit event API.

Takes the following parameters:

  • sessionId - a unique string identifying the user session
  • contextMap - the context map object
  • message - the optional user text query

Emits response events, and run intermediate actions as instructed by the API.

We recommend to use .runComposer() instead of this raw API.


The Wit message API.

Takes the following parameters:

  • q - the text input you want to extract the information from
  • context - (optional) the Context object
  • n - (optional) the max number of intents and traits to get back


const client = new Wit({accessToken: 'MY_TOKEN'});
  .message('what is the weather in London?', {})
  .then(data => {
    console.log('Yay, got response: ' + JSON.stringify(data));

See lib/interactive.js for another example integration.


The Wit speech API.

Takes the following paramters:

  • contentType - the Content-Type header
  • body - the audio Readable stream
  • context - (optional) the Context object
  • n - (optional) the max number of intents and traits to get back

Emits partialTranscription, partialUnderstanding and fullTranscription events. The Promise returns the final JSON payload.

See lib/interactive.js for an example.


The Wit dictation API.

Takes the following paramters:

  • contentType - the Content-Type header
  • body - the audio Readable stream

Emits partialTranscription, and fullTranscription events. The Promise returns the final JSON payload.

See examples/synthesize-speech.js for an example.


The Wit synthesize API.

Takes the following paramters (click on link above for more details):

  • q - The query containting text to synthesize
  • voice - The voice name. For voices and styles available, see GET voices.
  • style - (optional) The style to speak in
  • speed - (optional) the speed the text is spoken
  • pitch - (optional) the pitch of the audio
  • gain - (optional) the gain of the audio

The Promise returns the final response, with the body containing the audio stream of the synthesized text.

See examples/synthesize-speech.js for an example.


Starts an interactive conversation with your Wit app.

Full conversational interactions: Use !converse to send an audio request from the microphone using Composer. Enter any text input to send a text request using Composer.

One-off natural language requests: Use !speech to send an audio request from the microphone. Use !message <your message> to send a text request.


const {interactive} = require('node-wit');

See the docs for more information.

Changing the API version

The default (recommended, latest) API version is set in config.js.

On May 13th, 2020, the GET /message API was updated to reflect the new data model: intents, traits and entities are now distinct. You can target a specific version by passing the apiVersion parameter when creating the Wit object.

  "text": "hello",
  "intents": [
      "id": "1353535345345",
      "name": "greet",
      "confidence": 0.9753
  "entities": [],
  "traits": []

Running tests

  1. Create a new app in web console using tests/
  2. Copy the Server Access Token from app settings
  3. Run WIT_TOKEN=XXX npm test, where XXX is the Server Access Token


The license for node-wit can be found in LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

Terms of Use

Our terms of use can be found at

Use of services fall under the terms of use found here:

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy can be found at

The privacy policy for the service can be found at