
Simple demonstration of the node server sending a message to Drupal.



####This module is not functionally useful at all, and is intended only as an example.

Node_to_drupal is an example module to demonstrate the nodejs integration module's ability to send a message from a node server extension back to Drupal. This functionality is demonstrated by generating a simple form page using standard Drupal procedures. This page loads a bit of client side JavaScript that will emit a simple message to the node server upon form submission. A server extension then listens for this message and forwards it on to Drupal. From here, Drupal makes a simple watchdog entry stating the message was received and relates the same back to the node server.

For a more detailed description on this demonstration module, check out Talking to Drupal with NodeJS. The example code in that post is taken directly from this module.


  • You will of course need the nodejs module installed configured and enabled.
  • As an added bonus enable nodejs_notify (included with the nodejs module) to allow client side notifications upon success.

####When configuring nodejs module be sure to have these settings as follows: clientsCanWriteToClients: true extensions: ['../node_to_drupal/node_to_drupal.server.extension.js']