
Backend to control Ikea TRADFRI from IFTTT


IKEA Tradfri IFTTT Starter Guide

This project is based on google_home_starter by Kyle Peacock.

Using this project you can controll your IKEA lights using the Google Home/Assistant. The names of the lightbulbs and groups should be set up in the IKEA app. As there is no way to make subgroups, you can hack around it by naming lighbulbs in a similar fashion. For example:

  • Have a group called Living Room.
  • Name your lightbulbs Couch 1, Couch 2, Lamp 1.
  • You can then tell the assistant to turn all the living room lights.
  • Or turn on the couch lights which is a subgroup of the living room lights.
  • The command will try to match the group name exactly.
  • If no match is found, it will apply the action to all bulbs that start with the given argument.

Getting Started

If you haven't already, install git and node.js on your device.

  1. Fork or clone this repository onto your device.

  2. In your console, run npm install to install the required components.

  3. Run touch .env to create your hidden, gitignored environment config file.

  4. Generate a preshared key for your application by running node get_key.js

    • Input the IP to the IKEA Tradfri hub
    • Input the security code printed on the HUB
    • You will get back the identity and psk values to be saved into the .env file
  5. In .env, configure your environment as follows:

    • DEV= TRUE if you are on desktop, or FALSE if you are on your raspberry pi
    • PORT= The port that the server will listen on.
    • PASS= Whatever you want the password to your API to be
    • HUBIP= The IP to your IKEA Tradfri hub
    • APIUSER= The user/identity used to the connect to the hub
    • APIKEY= The password/psk used to connect to the hub
  6. Run npm start to launch the server

  7. Test your API

  • The API has the following structure: http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/:operation/:what/:state?password=[PASS]
  • [IPADDRESS] - the internet accessible IP address used to access the API. This is usually the public IP address of your router.
  • [PORT] - the internet accessible PORT used to access the API. You usually have to forward this from your router to the host running this package.
  • [PASS] - the password you defined in the .env file
  • You can test that it works by making calls with curl such as curl -i -X POST http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/turn/all/on?password=[PASS] (this should turn on all the lights)
  1. Setup the IFTTT commands:

    • Create a new applet
    • For this use Google Assistant
    • For that use webhook
    • Create the following applets:
      • Turn the $ lights on => http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/turn/{{TextField}}/on?password=[PASS]
      • Turn the $ lights off => http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/turn/{{TextField}}/off?password=[PASS]
      • Set the $ lights to # => http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/dim/{{TextField}}/{{NumberField}}?password=[PASS]
      • Set the light color to $ => http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/color/all/{{TextField}}?password=[PASS]
      • Set the $ light temperature to # => http://[IPADDRESS]:[PORT]/api/temp/{{TextField}}/{{NumberField}}?password=[PASS]
  2. Run the project at startup:

    • Add a line similar to cd /home/pi/node_tradfri_ifttt && nohup npm start & to your /etc/rc.local