
Additional metrics for User Profiles. It's like experience in video games. Plugin is good for gamification of your board.

MIT License


NodeBB: Points

Additional metrics for User Profiles. It's like experience in video games. Plugin is good for gamification of your board.

The Ranking Calculation

The Ranking calculator is a function, that should accept 2 parameters - settings and raw points. Settings could vary from one calculator to another. Calculator must return object with properties listed below:

  • rank [Number] - user's rank, level
  • rankProgress [Number] - amount of points on current level
  • rankTotal [Number] - amount of points needed to level-up
  • total [Number] - raw amount of points

Example: Default Function


Plugin populates both: Profile and Topic views. Search for points property in corresponding entities. Don't forget to add link on overview page, link should look like - /points

Profile View

If you want points in Profile, do very basic changes to your theme:

Example: Persona Theme, v4, find templates/account/profile.tpl, edit template in package directory - node_modules

Find block that is responsible for stats, and insert template where you want:

<div class="account-stats">


    <!-- IMPORT partials/points_profile.tpl -->


Topic View

Every post will have additional field: points. If you want utilize points calculation feature in topic view, you should use theme that supports such type of integration.