
Add rainbows to your posts. Smile!

OTHER License



Add rainbows to your posts. Smile!


Install the usual way, either using the ACP "Extend=>Plugins" page or using npm from your NodeBB home directory:

npm i nodebb-plugin-rainbows


Surround text with "-= =-" to make rainbows.

-=Rainbow Text=-

Add options with parenthesis like so:

-=(red,yellow,blue,range:3)Rainbow Text=-

Options include:

  • Any CSS valid color
    • Adds that color to the spectrum used in the rainbow.
  • range:{number}
    • Repeats the spectrum after {number} characters, instead of stretching it over the whole text.
  • bg:{color}
    • Puts a background color {color} behind the text.
  • theme:{name}
    • Uses the theme {name} to make the rainbow. Themes are created in the ACP.


Normal Rainbows:

-=Smile! With the power of smiles, the world becomes connected.=-

Multi-line with options:

-=(blue,lightblue,blue,range:12)If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;=-

Multi-line with theme and embed link:

-=(theme:flutter)Here is a video in the middle of the rainbow and the rainbow continues after...=-

ACP and Themes

Themes are controlled inside the fancy ACP page (With awesome colored nav!!):

Composer GUI

Composer buttons are added the the default composer and redactor composer. The button opens a GUI for editing your rainbow.