
MIT License


State of Diagnostic Tools for Production Environment in the Node.js Ecosystem

A curated list of diagnostic tools suited for Node.js production environments, with code examples.


All examples and tools can be used through a Docker container. You can get the image by running:

docker pull mmarchini/nodejs-production-diagnostic-tools:latest

And then you can access the container with:

mkdir -p out
docker run -it --privileged \
    --mount src="$(pwd)/out",dst=/examples/out,type=bind \

This will create a directory out in the current directory, which will be accessible from inside the container and from the host machine. --privileged is required, otherwise Linux perf won't work correctly.

The examples below assume you're using the setup described above.

Linux perf

Linux perf is a system profiler tool which can be used to generate FlameGraphs in a performant way. It can be used to profile multiple languages (usually static compiled languages).

Node.js provides flags to expose V8 compiler information required by Linux perf to translate memory addresses into function names:

node --perf-basic-prof --interpreted-frames-native-stack \
     --no-turbo-inlining 00-defectuous-server.js

--no-turbo-inlining is not required, but will make the FlameGraph more precise. It might have some performance overhead though.

--interpreted-frames-native-stack is available in v10.4.0 and later. Previous versions (expect v6.x release line) might have some missing frames on the flamegraph due to V8 interpreter execution

To sample the CPU, use:

perf record -F99 -a -g -p $(pgrep -x -n node) -- sleep 10

While sampling, use curl to make a request to a slow endpoint:

time curl localhost:3000/slow/

Once perf finishes running, you can generate a flamegraph:

perf script > result.perf
./tools/FlameGraph/ result.perf | ./tools/FlameGraph/ --color=js > ./out/flamegraph.svg



V8 CpuProfiler

This tool is similar to Linux perf, but has the advantage of being platform independent and theres no need to install external tools. On the other hand it will only sample JavaScript function calls, so if you need to know how the boundaries between js and C++ are performing, go with Linux perf. V8 CpuProfiler is suited for serverless platforms as well.

Youll need to change your code to use V8 CpuProfiler. utils/v8-cpu-profiler.js shows you to use it.

You can run an example of this tool with the following command:

node --no-turbo-inlining 01-v8-cpu-profiler.js

Make a request to the slow endpoint with curl:

time curl localhost:3000/slow/

This will generate a .cpuprofile file in the out folder which you can open with Chrome DevTools, in the Performance tab.


V8 SamplingHeapProfiler

Similar to V8 CpuProfiler, but instead of sampling time spent in each function, it will sample memory allocated per function call.

node --no-turbo-inlining 02-sample-heap-profiler.js

Make a request to the leaker endpoint with curl:

repeat 10 curl localhost:3000/leaker/

This will generate a .heapprofile file in the out folder which you can open with Chrome DevTools, in the Memory tab.




node 00-defectuous-server.js
repeat 10 curl localhost:3000/leaker/
gcore $(pgrep -x -n node)
npx llnode node -c core.$(pgrep -x -n node)




node --require node-report 00-defectuous-server.js
curl localhost:3000/crash/


==== Node Report ===============================================================

Event: exception, location: "OnUncaughtException"
Filename: node-report.20180716.201127.357.001.txt
Dump event time:  2018/07/16 20:11:27
Module load time: 2018/07/16 20:11:25
Process ID: 357
Command line: node --require node-report 00-defectuous-server.js

Node.js version: v10.6.0
(http_parser: 2.8.0, v8:, uv: 1.21.0, zlib: 1.2.11,
 ares: 1.14.0, modules: 64, nghttp2: 1.32.0, napi: 3, openssl: 1.1.0h, icu: 61.1,
 unicode: 10.0, cldr: 33.0, tz: 2018c)

node-report version: 2.2.1 (built against Node.js v10.6.0, glibc 2.24, 64 bit)

OS version: Linux 4.9.87-linuxkit-aufs #1 SMP Wed Mar 14 15:12:16 UTC 2018
(glibc: 2.24)

Machine: 17de814eee9c x86_64

==== JavaScript Stack Trace ==================================================== (/examples/utils/crasher.js:1:1)
Object.crashHandler (/examples/00-defectuous-server.js:1:1)
preHandlerCallback (/examples/node_modules/fastify/lib/handleRequest.js:1:1)
handler (/examples/node_modules/fastify/lib/handleRequest.js:1:1)
handleRequest (/examples/node_modules/fastify/lib/handleRequest.js:1:1)
onRunMiddlewares (/examples/node_modules/fastify/fastify.js:1:1)
middlewareCallback (/examples/node_modules/fastify/fastify.js:1:1)
Object.routeHandler [as handler] (/examples/node_modules/fastify/fastify.js:1:1)
Router.lookup (/examples/node_modules/find-my-way/index.js:1:1)
Server.emit (events.js:1:1)
parserOnIncoming (_http_server.js:1:1)
HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:1:1)

==== Native Stack Trace ========================================================

 0: [pc=0x7fe072bf4213] nodereport::OnUncaughtException(v8::Isolate*) [/examples/node_modules/node-report/api.node]
 1: [pc=0xf2fba2] v8::internal::Isolate::Throw(v8::internal::Object*, v8::internal::MessageLocation*) [node]
 2: [pc=0xee6d8a] v8::internal::IC::ReferenceError(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [node]
 3: [pc=0xeedf2b] v8::internal::LoadIC::Load(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [node]
 4: [pc=0xef0392]  [node]
 5: [pc=0xef116f] v8::internal::Runtime_LoadGlobalIC_Miss(int, v8::internal::Object**, v8::internal::Isolate*) [node]
 6: [pc=0x33c491d841bd]

==== JavaScript Heap and Garbage Collector =====================================

Heap space name: read_only_space
    Memory size: 0 bytes, committed memory: 0 bytes
    Capacity: 0 bytes, used: 0 bytes, available: 0 bytes
Heap space name: new_space
    Memory size: 8,388,608 bytes, committed memory: 6,636,224 bytes
    Capacity: 4,124,672 bytes, used: 2,379,376 bytes, available: 1,745,296 bytes
Heap space name: old_space
    Memory size: 7,610,368 bytes, committed memory: 7,211,360 bytes
    Capacity: 7,319,072 bytes, used: 7,080,800 bytes, available: 238,272 bytes
Heap space name: code_space
    Memory size: 2,621,440 bytes, committed memory: 1,863,904 bytes
    Capacity: 2,237,696 bytes, used: 1,781,984 bytes, available: 455,712 bytes
Heap space name: map_space
    Memory size: 1,073,152 bytes, committed memory: 740,584 bytes
    Capacity: 714,552 bytes, used: 714,472 bytes, available: 80 bytes
Heap space name: large_object_space
    Memory size: 1,572,864 bytes, committed memory: 1,572,864 bytes
    Capacity: 1,505,700,544 bytes, used: 249,024 bytes, available: 1,505,451,520 bytes

Total heap memory size: 21,266,432 bytes
Total heap committed memory: 18,024,936 bytes
Total used heap memory: 12,205,656 bytes
Total available heap memory: 1,507,890,880 bytes

Heap memory limit: 1,526,909,922

==== Resource Usage ============================================================

Process total resource usage:
  User mode CPU: 0.220000 secs
  Kernel mode CPU: 0.020000 secs
  Average CPU Consumption : 12%
  Maximum resident set size: 43,708,416 bytes
  Page faults: 4 (I/O required) 6222 (no I/O required)
  Filesystem activity: 968 reads 16 writes

Event loop thread resource usage:
  User mode CPU: 0.210000 secs
  Kernel mode CPU: 0.020000 secs
  Average CPU Consumption : 11.5%
  Filesystem activity: 968 reads 16 writes

==== Node.js libuv Handle Summary ==============================================

(Flags: R=Ref, A=Active)
Flags  Type      Address             Details
[-A]   async     0x0000000003f955a0
[-A]   check     0x00007fffc6185b18
[R-]   idle      0x00007fffc6185b90
[--]   prepare   0x00007fffc6185c08
[--]   check     0x00007fffc6185c80
[-A]   async     0x000000000237d4e0
[R-]   tty       0x0000000003f9f7b8  width: 120, height: 18, file descriptor: 9, write queue size: 0, writable
[-A]   signal    0x0000000003f9f980  signum: 28 (SIGWINCH)
[R-]   tty       0x0000000003fc21b8  width: 120, height: 18, file descriptor: 11, write queue size: 0, writable
[-A]   async     0x00007fe072dfccc0
[RA]   tcp       0x0000000003fe7d08  localhost:3000 (not connected), send buffer size: 16384, recv buffer size: 87380, file descriptor: 12, write queue size: 0
[RA]   tcp       0x0000000003ff5b38  localhost:3000 connected to localhost:58454, send buffer size: 2626560, recv buffer size: 1062000, file descriptor: 13, write queue size: 0, readable, writable
[-A]   timer     0x0000000003ff5940  repeat: 0, timeout in: 119999 ms

==== System Information ========================================================

Environment variables

Resource limits                        soft limit      hard limit
  core file size (blocks)               unlimited       unlimited
  data seg size (kbytes)                unlimited       unlimited
  file size (blocks)                    unlimited       unlimited
  max locked memory (bytes)              83968000        83968000
  max memory size (kbytes)              unlimited       unlimited
  open files                              1048576         1048576
  stack size (bytes)                      8388608       unlimited
  cpu time (seconds)                    unlimited       unlimited
  max user processes                    unlimited       unlimited
  virtual memory (kbytes)               unlimited       unlimited

Loaded libraries



Structured Logs with pino

node 03-structured-logs.js
curl localhost:3000/healthy/
sleep 3 && time curl localhost:3000/slow/
sleep 3 && repeat 100 curl localhost:3000/leaker/
curl localhost:3000/crash/


{"level":30,"time":1531772226353,"pid":417,"hostname":"17de814eee9c","res":{"statusCode":200,"header":"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\ncontent-length: 2\r\nDate: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:17:06 GMT\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"},"v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1531772226368,"pid":417,"hostname":"17de814eee9c","res":{"statusCode":200,"header":"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\ncontent-length: 2\r\nDate: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:17:06 GMT\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"},"v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1531772226383,"pid":417,"hostname":"17de814eee9c","res":{"statusCode":200,"header":"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\ncontent-length: 2\r\nDate: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:17:06 GMT\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"},"v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1531772226401,"pid":417,"hostname":"17de814eee9c","res":{"statusCode":200,"header":"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\ncontent-length: 2\r\nDate: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:17:06 GMT\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"},"v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1531772226418,"pid":417,"hostname":"17de814eee9c","res":{"statusCode":200,"header":"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\ncontent-length: 2\r\nDate: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 20:17:06 GMT\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"},"v":1}


Combining all tools on every request

node 04-instrumented-server.js

Make all tools available, enable when necessary

node 05-configurable-instrumentation.js
node tools/instrumentation-panel.js