
GraphQL helpers for quickly crafting resolvers with Objection.JS

MIT License


@sammarks/objection-graphql is a set of helper methods for quickly crafting resolvers with GraphQL and Objection.JS.

Get Started

npm install @sammarks/objection-graphql
yarn add @sammarks/objection-graphql

On each of your models, decorate them with withGraphQLSupport

import { withGraphQLSupport } from '@sammarks/objection-graphql'

export default class User extends Model {
  static tableName = 'users'
  static get relationMappings () {
    return {
      posts: {
        modelClass: Post,
        relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
        join: {
          from: 'users.id',
          to: 'posts.user_id'

Now, in your GraphQL resolvers:

import { getResolver, nodeResolver } from '@sammarks/objection-graphql'
import User from './models/User'

const resolvers = {
  Node: nodeResolver,
  User: getResolver(User)

And then the following GraphQL schema will automatically be supported.

enum OrderDirection {

type User {

  # Standard user fields...
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  # Relationships!
    first: Int = 10,
    after: String,
    orderBy: String = "id",
    orderDirection: OrderDirection = ASC
  ): PostsConnection!

See objection-graphql-relay for some more information.

Function Reference

getResolver(ObjectionModel model)

Automatically generates a resolver for the passed Objection.JS model. Currently does not support extra customization.

Will automatically generate resolvers for single and multiple relationships. See the source code for orderedPagedRelationQuery() for more information.


This is just a pretty standard GraphQL Node resolver. See the code sample above for how to use this. It just takes the constructor name of the Model and uses that to determine the GraphQL type (so make sure those are the same!)


Decorator for adding helper methods required for the automatic connection creator inside getResolver(). Returns a function that accepts the model to decorate. There are currently no configuration options.


  • Automatically generates GraphQL resolvers based on Objection.JS models.
  • Includes support for many-to-many relationships and one-to-many relationships with GraphQL Relay
    support out of the box.
  • Relationship connections automatically support ordering by specific fields.
  • Includes a basic GraphQL Node resolver for convenience.