
Odin + WASM = 💙

MIT License



For using Odin and WASM together.

What is this?

1. A library of WASM bindings

A library of wasm bindings from Odin/vendor/wasm implemented using modern JavaScript with ES modules and JSDoc.

The implementation is mostly the same as the original, here are the differences:

  • ESM - the bindings are written in multiple ES modules, mirroring Odin packages, so they need to be used in a modern JS environment, assuming that the user will use a bundler like Webpack or Rollup to bundle the code, and tree-shake the unused parts.
  • JSDoc - the original bindings are witout types, so I added JSDoc comments to the functions for basic typechecking (and some autocompletion).
  • Improvements to getting window position and size
  • ctx2d - Bindings to the 2d canvas context, for drawing 2d graphics without webgl.
  • ls - Bindings to the localStorage API, for saving data in the browser.

2. Odin + WASM example


In example/ you can find an example of how to use Odin and WASM together. Mainly focused on WebGL as I'm going through the WebGL Fundamentals tutorial.

3. A template repo

Feel free to use this repo as a template for your own projects.

There are some convenience scripts in main.js for building and running the example. And a github action for building and deploying the example to github pages.

4. GLSL utils codegen tool

The /shdc directory contains a cli tool for generating GLSL utils from parsing glsl shaders in the example/ dir.

It can be ran with npm run shdc, or odin run shdc.

The generated file is committed to the repo, you can check it out in example/shaders_generated.odin.

The tool is just an experiment of parsing glsl, and generating some boilerplate code, so that getting attribute and uniform locations, and setting the values is a bit easier.




Add js_wasm32 target to ols.json if you want to use OLS.

    "enable_format": false,
	"checker_args": "-target:js_wasm32 -vet-unused -vet-style -vet-semicolon -vet-cast -vet-tabs",
	"profile": "example",
	"profiles": [{
		"name": "example",
		"os": "js_wasm32",
		"checker_path": ["example"]
	}, {
		"name": "shdc",
		"checker_path": ["shdc"]
	}, {
		"name": "obj",
		"checker_path": ["obj"]


Take look at package.json for all the available scripts.

(You need to run npm i beforehand)

The most important ones are:

  • npm run dev - starts the server and watches for changes
  • npm run build - builds the example to dist/
  • npm run preview - starts a server to preview the built example
  • npm run shdc - generates shader utils from parsing glsl shaders