
A boilerplate for developing React-powered Wordpress themes, plugins, and guten-block that using shared components and Javascript dependencies.

MIT License


Oil-Based Boilerplate

A boilerplate for developing React-powered Wordpress themes, plugins, and guten-block that using shared components.


  • Uses Gutenberg's React wrappers
  • React Components can be shared between the theme, plugin, and guten-blocks. See below for more info
  • Docker compose file for testing. More below
  • Sass support


  1. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/kidunot89/oil-based-boilerplate.
  2. Run npm install && npm run docker-vols && npm run build in project working directory.
  3. (Docker only Docker-Compose required) Run npm run start-docker in project working directory.
  4. (Local Installation) Run npm run link-wp -- <path-to-wp-install> <path-to-plugins> <path-to-themes> in project working directory.
  5. Run npm start in project working directory.
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ and run through the installation.
  7. Install Gutenberg on Admin dashboard, then activate Gutenberg and Oil-Based in Plugins as well as Oil-Based in Themes.
  8. Navigate to "Permalink" under "Settings" and setting "Common Settings" to anything but "Plain".
  9. Now you ready to code. Run npm run stop-docker in project working directory to stop and destroy docker containers.

Usage w/o Docker

The link-wp script simply symlinks links the required project directories into your Wordpress installation. The issue with this is that there is a good chance the script won't work if the user who owns the wordpress plugins and themes directories is not the same user as the one running the script like www-data. In situations like this you have two choices.

  • Change the owner of the themes and plugins directory to be the user running the script, run the script, and change the owner back to the original user.
  • Or Manually symlink all the directories. This means the three sub-directories in the _dev directory point to the plugins directory, the build/plugin to the plugins directory, build/theme to the themes directory.

Folder Structure

    plugin - the wordpress plugin static files
|    shared - the shared static includes files
    theme - the wordpress theme static files
       index.js - admin page React starting point
       index.js - guten-blocks importer
       index.js - shared exporter/starting point
        index.js - theme React starting point

Use Shared

Importing by relative path between the theme, app, and blocks directories result is a multiple copies of the code in each resulting js file. That's where the shared directory comes in. shared/index.js should be used as an exporter as shown below.


// Imports
import SharedComponent from './shared-component.js';

// Add exports to window object
window.oilBasedShared = {

shared/index.js is compiled into plugin/shared.js and enqueued as oil-based-shared-js which is used as a dependency along side wp-element for oil-based-theme-js, oil-based-app-js, and oil-based-block-js. If you want to use the component exposed in the example above you could do something similar to the next example.

Import shared component

// Import render function from gutenberg's wrapper
const { render } = wp.element;

// Import shared component
const { SharedComponent } = window.oilBasedShared;

render( <SharedComponent />, document.getElementById( 'root' ) );


  • Ahmad Awais and your Create-Guten-Block repository inspired a lot of my webpack build configuration, although I'm still working out a few of the babel-loader configurations.