
Retry library with focus on flow control

MIT License



A retry management library with a focus on flow control

This small library aims to provide granular control over the flow of retries. It is designed to be used in a functional style, and to be as unobtrusive as possible. It is also designed to be used with promises, and be aborted at any time through AbortController mechanism.

It can be used in either of two ways:

1. As a wrapper

Acting as a wrapper over a passed function, this is the most common way and offloads all the retry control to the library. A promise is returned that will be resolved with the result of the wrapped function, or rejected with the last error that caused the retry to fail.

To decide when to retry, the library accepts as argument a function that returns a boolean. This function is called with the error that caused the retry. If the function returns true, the library will retry the wrapped function. If it returns false, the library will reject the promise with the last error that caused the retry to fail.

const { Retry } = require('one_more_time');

let counter = 0;
const foo = () => {

  if (counter !== 3) {
    throw new Error('foo');
  } else {
    return 'bar';

const shouldRetry = (err) => {
  return true;

const retry = new Retry();

const result = await, { shouldRetry });

2. As a management tool

This enables the most control over the flow of the retry. It returns a task which is an instance of a Task class that aims to reprent an individual logic unit and its retry management. It is up to the user to decide when to retry, and when to stop retrying.

It exposes a timeout method that allows the user to wait for a given amount of time before retrying. It also exposes a shouldRetry method that can be used to decide whether to retry or not.

A task can be used as long as needed, but once is either exhausted or aborted, it needs to be reset for subsequent usage.

const { Retry } = require('one_more_time');
const fn = () => {

  if (counter < 4) {
    throw new Error('I failed!');

while (true) {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    if (task.shouldRetry(err)) {
      await task.timeout();

    throw err;



Easy to install as:

npm install one_more_time


   * The number of times to retry the operation. In ms
   * @type {number}
   * @default 3
  retries?: number;
   * The exponential factor to use.
   * 2 means the first delay is 2 times the base, the second 2^2 times the base,
   * the third 2^3 times the base, and so on.
   * @type {number}
   * @default 2
  factor?: number;
   * The number of milliseconds before starting the first retry.
   * @type {number}
   * @default 500
  minTimeout?: number;
   * The maximum number of milliseconds between two retries.
   * @type {number}
   * @default 3000
  maxTimeout?: number;

Acting as a wrapper over a passed function, this is the most common way and offloads all the retry control to the library. A promise is returned that will be resolved with the result of the wrapped function, or rejected with the last error that caused the retry to fail.


  • fn - required - The function to wrap
  • options - optional - The options to use for the retry, it enables to set a default state over the task that will be used to manage the given wrapped function. It also can be used to pass a signal to abort the retry at any time.
    • id - optional - The id to use for the task. If not provided, a random id will be generated.
    • retries - optional - The number of remaining retries for the operation. If not provided, will default to 0.
    • signal - optional - The signal to use to abort the retry.
    • currentTimeout - optional - The current timeout to use for the retry. If not provided, will default to minTimeout passed when instantiating a retry.
    • shouldRetry - optional - The function to use to decide whether to retry or not. If not provided, will default to () => true.


const shouldRetry = (err) => {
  return true;

const foo = () => {
  // do something

const retry = new Retry();

const result = await, { shouldRetry });

It returns a task which is an instance of a Task class that aims to reprent an individual logic unit and its retry management.


  • options - optional - The options to use for the retry, it enables to set a default state over the task that will be used to manage the given wrapped function. It also can be used to pass a signal to abort the retry at any time.
    • id - optional - The id to use for the task. If not provided, a random id will be generated.
    • retries - optional - The number of remaining retries for the operation. If not provided, will default to 0.
    • signal - optional - The signal to use to abort the retry.
    • currentTimeout - optional - The current timeout to use for the retry. If not provided, will default to minTimeout passed when instantiating a retry.


const fn = () => {
  // do something

const retry = new Retry();
const task = retry.pick();

while (true) {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    if (task.shouldRetry(err)) {
      await task.timeout();

    throw err;


It represents an individual logic unit and its retry management. It is up to the user to decide when to retry, and when to stop retrying.


It returns a promise that will be resolved after a given timeout. It is calculated accordingly to the following formula:

const timeout = Math.min(maxTimeout, currentTimeout * factor ** retries);

The promise can be rejected if the signal passed to the task is aborted.


It returns a boolean that indicates whether the task should retry or not, accordingly to the settings set for the retry instance, and the current state of the task.

It automatically returns false if the retries are exhausted, the signal is aborted, or the err is falsy.


  • err - required - The error that caused the retry.


It resets the task to its initial state for reusage.


It starts the task by executing internal preparations to its state. It accepts a signal for subsequent usage to abort the task.

If called when the task is already started (already in used or exhausted), it will throw an error.


  • signal - optional - The signal to use to abort the retry.


  • id - readonly - The id of the task.
  • retries - readonly - The number of remaining retries for the operation.
  • signal - readonly - The signal to use to abort the retry.
  • history - readonly - The history of errors of the task.
  • rootError - readonly - The root error of the task.
  • aborted - readonly - Whether the task is aborted or not.
