


One project is an opensource website where developers meet to make grat stuff, the website consists on making developers meet and work for a week on a project.

How to install and contribute

  1. fork the repo
  2. clone the repo to your local descktop
  3. do npm i
  4. run npm run watch
  5. If you are using Visual Studio you should install the Live Server extension to be able to reload the page on every change, (press Ctrl-Shift-P and type Open with Live Server).
  6. install es6-string-html to get sytax coloration for the html in your javascript

Thats it now every time you change a file you will get live reload.

this is the structure of the project:

  • src contains all the source files
  • every component sould end with .component.js
  • utils.js contains functions that are general and used at more than one place
  • docs contains the builded version (it was named build but changed it to docs to get a better link for github pages)

to find what to do you can look at the projects tab in git hub all tasks will be put there

Happy codding

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