
Generate Simplify Framework base projects with True-DevOps code skeleton to run on Cloud with API Gateway, AWS Lambda and other AWS Services from OpenAPI 3.0 specs. The generated code skeleton can be debug locally and can deploy on docker orchestration platform with docker-compose and Kubernetes.

APACHE-2.0 License


Simplify Framework - OpenAPI Based Serverless

This REST API model has moved to npm install simplify-openapi -g from version 0.1.9. With new branch of GraphQL Serverless Model at npm install simplify-graphql -g

Initial code based on openapi-codegen

Node.js-based codegen for OpenAPI specs. This project was initially by tailoring from openapi-codegen to use the core code generation functionality to generate the lambda based node projects and AWS CloudFormation stack. There was many tailored code to become a powerful tool nowaday. Thanks to the initial openapi-codegen project that has saved time for developing an initial idea.

Divided code capability:

  • Nano function: per individual method (/path/rc: GET) as a lambda function
  • Micro function: per some methods (/path/ac: POST, PUT) as a lambda function
  • Kilo function: per some resources (/path/rc, /path/ac) as a lambda function
  • Mono application: as an application running on a docker-compose service

Deployment mode capability:

  • BlueGreen deployment: run latest version as Blue stage or stable version as Green stage
  • Enforcement deployment: specify to run a custom enforcement version (e.g maintenance package mode)
  • Canary deployment: run one of [latest,stable,enforce] version on-request by x-canary-selection HTTP header

Software development facility:

  • Production ready code skeleton (sanitizer, unit tests, api tests, coverage)
  • Controllable logging verbosity (INFO, WARN, DEBUG, ERROR) using debug package
  • Local and independant development code run (http://localhost:3000) by node express

Install from published NPM packages

  • npm install -g simplify-openapi

Install codegen from github sourcode

  • git clone
  • cd openapi && npm install && npm link

Generate Open API specs sample for pets:

  • mkdir pets-project to create project folder for pets
  • cd pets-project && npm link simplify-openapi if you install from github
  • simplify-openapi template -i petsample to create a petsample OpenAPI 3.0 specs
  • simplify-openapi template -i othername to create a othername OpenAPI 3.0 specs

Generate project using command line:

  • simplify-openapi -i openapi.yaml to generate code in the current folder
  • simplify-openapi -i openapi.yaml -o other-folder to specify another folder

Running with Docker Compose at localhost:

Setup AWS configuration profile:

  • Create a deployment user in IAM: simplify-user
  • Setup IAM Role Policy using: policy-deployment.json
  • Setup IAM Role Policy using: policy-services.json
  • Setup IAM Role Policy using: policy-execute-api.json
  • Configure your machine aws configure --profile simplify-eu
    (See Pets Project for more information)

Run as AWS Lambda functions:

  • npm install to install project dependancies and tools
  • npm run stack-deploy to provision code containers (AWS Lambda empty functions)
  • npm run push-code to deploy and run code as declared in .env variables (ENV_*)
    • ENV_functionName_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE=(latest|stable|enfoce|canary) to setup running mode
    • ENV_functionName_ENFORCEMENT_PACKAGE=specific-package-name-with-version (enforce mode only)
  • npm run stack-destroy to provision code containers (AWS Lambda empty functions)

Serverless architecture in AWS:

  • AWS API Gateway REST API
    • AWS Lambda function (service #1)
      • AWS Secret Manager (key vault)
      • Custom resource (external setup)
      • Manage Policy Arn (access policy)
    • AWS Lambda function (service #2)
      • AWS Secret Manager (key vault)
      • Custom resource (external setup)
      • Manage Policy Arn (access policy)
    • AWS Lambda function (service #3)
      • AWS Secret Manager (key vault)
      • Custom resource (external setup)
      • Manage Policy Arn (access policy)

OpenAPI specs with Simplify definitions:

  • info.version: define software package version, set for initial packages
  • info.title: define software package description, set for initial packages
  • x-project-name: to define a project which contains other resources (e.g pets-micro-services)
  • x-deployment-name: to define a deployment environment (e.g pets-demo, pets-prod)
  • x-deployment-region: to define where to deploy resources (e.g eu-west-1)
  • x-deployment-profile: to define a profile that hold the deployment access (e.g simplify-eu)
  • x-api-gateway-name: to define an API gateway (Rest API) resource (e.g pets-api-gateway)
  • x-api-authorizer-id: provide an authorizer id that linked to API Authorizer (e.g Cognito Auhtorizer)
  • x-api-burst-limit: The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds
  • x-api-rate-limit: The API request steady-state rate limit.
  • x-api-quota-limit: The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.
  • x-api-quota-unit: The time period in which the limit applies. Valid values are "DAY", "WEEK" or "MONTH".
    • x-[api/event]-service-runtime: specify service runtime to create function (e.g nodejs12.x, python3.8 )
    • x-[api/event]-service-lang: specific runtime language - is one of javascript or python
    • x-[api/event]-service-name: to define lambda functions that host the source code (e.g pets-service)
    • x-[api/event]-service-model-name: to redirect the related routing paths into a service group (e.g pets)
    • x-[api/event]-service-public: expose or dispose this service path through API gateway (public or not)
    • x-[api/event]-service-authorizer: enable or disable using API Authorizer (e.g using Cognito Authorizer)
    • x-[api/event]-service-api-key: enable to use API Key with x-api-key header to authenticate resource
    • x-[api/event]-service-key-vault: enable or disable key vault service (SecretManager in AWS)
    • x-[api/event]-service-schedule: if set to value (e.g rate(10 minutes)) will schedule every 10 mins
    • x-[api/event]-service-policy: external access policy ARN (e.g Policy ARN to DynamoDB, S3, SNS...)
    • x-[api/event]-service-custom: integrate custom ARN function that trigger for external resource creation/deletion
    • x-[api/event]-service-control: enable or disable service fallen control using hystrix circuit breaker (valid only for docker)
    • x-[api/event]-service-validation: validate request parameters using swagger request validator (parseRequest middleware)
    • x-[api/event]-service-passthrough: passthrough original request from API Gateway to service model for backward compatibility
    • method: define a HTTP Rest API method: (get/put/post/delete)
      • x-control-operation-id or standard operationId: to define a friendly name for this operation method: e.g getPetByName
      • x-control-service-timeout: setup circuit break operation timeout (valid only for docker)
      • x-control-service-duration: setup circuit break operation close duration (valid only for docker)
      • x-control-service-threshold: setup circuit break operation threshold (valid only for docker)

The generated Pets Architecture Diagram