
An web express app (in very early stages at the moment) which renders the hebrew bible and mechanical transation to your browser from a mongo database.



A Web application built with mongodb nodejs and express to renders the hebrew bible and translations. A Screenshot The data structure is a flat level structure where each single word is an single entry




$ git clone
$ cd opentorah

$ mongoimport --db=reader -c ./data/torah --jsonArray sourcefiles/torah.json
$ npm install

// You may need to run this if you are having mongoimport errors
$ sudo killall mongod
$ sudo mongod --repair
$ sudo service mongodb start


Navigate to the opentorah folder and run

$ node app.js
// the default url is at http://localhost:5775

In the url you can type localhost:5775/bookname/1?v=5

Express App Functionality (...So far)

With the app

localhost:5775/genesis                        // renders genesis 1
localhost:5775/leviticus/19                   // renders leviticus chapter 19
localhost:5775/deuteronomy/6?v=4              // uses a verse query renders only deuteronomy 6:4

Note the only books avalible atm is this array["genesis", "exodus", "leviticus", "numbers", "deuteronomy"]

db queries (examples)


The data structure is a flat level structure where a single word is an single entry

$ mongo reader                    // Connect to reader database
> db.torah.findOne({})            // Query the torah collection with the db
	"_id" : 1,                       // This is an words unique identifyer
	"book" : "genesis",
	"c" : 1,                         // Chapter
	"v" : 1,                         // Hebrew verse number
	"w" : 1,                         // Word number within that verse
	"heb" : "",                // Heberew
	"eng" : "in~SUMMIT"              // English Mechanical translation from Jeff Benner

How many words are there in the torah (or this data set)?


How many times does moses appear?

db.torah.find({eng:{$regex: "Mosheh"}}).count()           // 647

Find a given value

Simple finds

for more about .find() you can read in the docs or an example and query operators (those they start with a dollar sign $or) here

// Finds any word with the same value as hashamayim and sorts in ascending order
> db.torah.find({heb:""}).sort({_id: 1})

// RegEx searches are used to find pattern in text, the .limit(5) 'limits' the top 5 results
> db.torah.find({eng:{$regex: "SUMMIT"}}).limit(5)

The Aggregation Framework

Again its probably good to dive in and read the introduction and concepts on aggregation Here are some things you can do Find the numbers of words without an translation eng: '[x]'?

  // Filter by book or other fields using $match
  { $match: {eng: '[X]', $or: [{book: "exodus"}, {book: "numbers"}]} },

  // Group the results by book to make an report
  { $group: {_id: "$book", count: {$sum: 1}, words: {$addToSet: "$_id"}} },

  // Hide words array and cleanup the format
  { $project: {_id:0, book: "$_id", n:"$count"} }

Find the top 20 words in the torah?

  { $group: {_id: "$heb", count: {$sum: 1}, eng: {$addToSet: "$eng"}} },
  { $sort: {count: -1}},
  { $limit: 20 }

Find the average number of words per chapter in an book?

  { $group: { _id: {book: "$book", c:"$c"}, count: {$sum: 1} } },
  { $group: {_id: "$", average: {$avg: "$count"}} }

Generate an concordance of the Yhwh // do note there is 1820 results so it will overflow your terminal with information

  { $match: {eng: {$regex: "Yhwh"}}},
  { $group: {_id: "$heb", eng: {$addToSet: "$eng"},count: {$sum:1}, ref: {$addToSet: {book: "$book", c:"$c", v:"$v",w:"$w" } } } }

//  Stage to clean up the report
//  { $group: {_id:{heb:"$_id", count:"$count"}} }

count the number of unique hebrew words?

  { $group: {_id: "$heb", eng: {$addToSet: "$eng"},count: {$sum:1} } },
  { $group: {_id:"Number of words is", n:{$sum:1}} }
// { "_id" : "Number of words is", "n" : 15951 }

Updating Translations

I would suggest a read of the update docs if you are don't recognise the syntax First i've queryied the db to find words without values

> db.torah.aggregate([{$group: {_id:"$heb",eng:{$addToSet:"$eng"}}},{$match: {eng:"[X]"}}])
{ "_id" : "", "eng" : [ "[X]" ] }
{ "_id" : "", "eng" : [ "[X]" ] }
{ "_id" : "", "eng" : [ "[X]" ] }
{ "_id" : "", "eng" : [ "[X]", "we~will~BE.ABLE" ] }

looking at the results I see { "_id" : "", "eng" : [ "[X]", "we~will~BE.ABLE" ] } I can update the hebrew english translation

> db.torah.update({heb: ""},{$set: {eng: "we~will~BE.ABLE"}},{multi: true})

The shell acknowledges the write also

WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 0 })

I would also recommend keeping an updatelog.js as part of contributing to the translation

db.torah.update({heb: ""},{$set: {eng: "we~will~BE.ABLE"}},{multi: true})
db.torah.update({heb: ""},{$set: {eng: "the~DROVE~s"}},{multi: true})
db.torah.update({heb: ""},{$set: {eng: "and~they~will~ROLL"}},{multi: true})
db.torah.update({heb: ""},{$set: {eng: "I(cs)~will~make~INCREASE(V)"}},{multi: true})

That way you can run the script

$ mongo reader updatelog.js

Birdseye aims

There is a lot which could be done with this project, like creating people collection storing words people say and to whom, a events collection keeping a timeline and record of key events, or a historical refference collection. The possibilities are alot which is why for now I am focused on the reader of which I would need to incorparte dictionaries refferences in a clean UI Notice the project is 0.0.1 version in the package.json file Here are some aims

  • A mulit-layed computerised translation with dictionaries, lexicon and concordances
  • Develop a plugable translation concept
    • Where users can modify the database,
      • to improve translation,
      • create a translation,
      • or change words at preference
    • This data can be exported and someone else can import the data like plugand play


  • add an array within entry for the roots/morphology of words
  • mine data from as the current torah collection does not hold values for whitespace '' and paragrapths ''
  • Make a node script which backs up a torah collection
  • or when you make updates to db.torah store your updatelog.js file


  • Gregory Bartholomew
    • booksTxt files from mt-compiler
    • DESCRIPTION: Generates XeLaTeX code for the "Mechanical Translation of the Torah"
  • Jeff Benner
  • Christopher V.Kimball