
Server side of P4ng

MIT License


P4ng-server Build Status Coveralls branch Dependency Status Dev Dependency Status License: MIT

Server side of P4ng

P4ng is a 4 player off and online version of the classic pong game by Team JaEGT.


Notice : We use a MongoDb database for test and server. Make sure that you run it before running

Clone this repository :

$ git clone https://github.com/jy95/P4ng.git

Install with npm

$ npm install --production

Server Installation

Simply run this :

$ npm run startServer

Running tests

Worry about the project stability ? Just use the tests NB : Only server tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install --only=dev

Run the test :

$ npm test

The tests are written in Mocha Fun and simple :)


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

Code Coverage

Still never believe the crazy monkey ,known as an programmer, makes always a perfect commit ? This section is for you.

As previously told , We use Mocha for testing. The choice for local coverage is Istanbul because It works fine with Mocha and in addiction to work with our Coveralls

If you wish to check your coverage locally :

$ npm run cover

If you wish to check your coverage after a build on Travis-CI , add this in your .travis.yml file :

The dropDatabase line exists because Travis-CI runs npm test before this command

  - mongo P4ngDb --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
  - npm run coveralls

Team JaEGT members






Copyright © 2016 Team JaEGT Licensed under the MIT license.