
Simple P5 WebRTC

MIT License



Simple P5 WebRTC

Include this library in a p5 sketch and share audio/video streams or the canvas itself as a stream. Can also share data (string only for now). All WebRTC so Peer to Peer.

Running a public signaling server on https://p5livemedia.itp.io - Run your own signalling server by running server.js (with Node, Express and Socket.io).

Video Introducing p5LiveMedia

Getting Started

Requires simplepeer and socket.io be included in the HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://p5livemedia.itp.io/simplepeer.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://p5livemedia.itp.io/socket.io.js"></script>

Of course, this library needs to be included as well:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://p5livemedia.itp.io/p5livemedia.js"></script>

Basics - Sharing Live Video Stream

Use the callback from createCapture to get at the media stream.

Instantiate p5Live with:

  • a reference to the sketch (this)
  • a string indicating if this is audio/video ("CAPTURE") or a canvas ("CANVAS")
  • the media stream from the createCapture callback
  • and a unique room name. The sketch id from the p5 editor works well (in this case, "jZQ64AMJc").
    Add a callback for the "stream" event, in this case, a function defined later called "gotStream":
let myVideo = null;

function setup() {

  myVideo = createCapture(VIDEO, 
    function(stream) {
	let p5lm = new p5LiveMedia(this, "CAPTURE", stream, "jZQ64AMJc")
  	p5lm.on('stream', gotStream);

You can specify the normal MediaStreamConstraints to specify framerates, sizes, and stream types. You'll want to mute your local video to prevent feedback:

let myVideo = null;

function setup() {
  let constraints = {audio: true, video: true};
  myVideo = createCapture(constraints, 
    function(stream) {
      let p5lm = new p5LiveMedia(this, "CAPTURE", stream, "jZQ64AMJc")
      p5lm.on('stream', gotStream);

  myVideo.elt.muted = true;

The "stream" callback gives a normal video element:

let otherVideo;
function gotStream(stream, id) {
  otherVideo = stream;
  //otherVideo.id and id are the same and unique identifier

Both video elements can be used in the draw loop:

function draw() {
  if (myVideo != null) {
    text("My Video", 10, 10);

  if (otherVideo != null) {
    text("Their Video", width/2+10, 10);

Video: Getting Started and Video Sharing Basics Part 1

Video: Video Sharing Basics Part 2

Basics - Sharing p5 Canvas as Live Video Stream

Alternatively the p5 Canvas can be streamed instead of video:

let otherCanvas;

function setup() {
  let myCanvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
  let p5lm = new p5LiveMedia(this, "CANVAS", myCanvas, "e4LTqKI8Q");
  p5lm.on('stream', gotStream);

function draw() {

function gotStream(stream) {
  otherCanvas = stream;

Sharing a p5 Canvas and Live Audio

Streaming a Canvas and Audio is a little more involved:

let myAudio;
let myCanvas;

let otherVideo;

function setup() {
  myCanvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
  // Use constraints to request audio from createCapture
  let constraints = {
    audio: true
  // Need to use the callback to get at the audio/video stream
  myAudio = createCapture(constraints, function(stream) {
    // Get a stream from the canvas to send
    let canvasStream = myCanvas.elt.captureStream(15);
    // Extract the audio tracks from the stream
    let audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
    // Use the first audio track, add it to the canvas stream
    if (audioTracks.length > 0) {
    // Give the canvas stream to SimpleSimplePeer as a "CAPTURE" stream
    let p5lm = new p5LiveMedia(this, "CAPTURE", canvasStream, "SimpleSimplePeerAdvancedTest");
    p5lm.on('stream', gotStream);       
  myAudio.elt.muted = true;

function draw() {

function gotStream(stream) {
  otherVideo = stream;

Sharing Data

data can be shared between connected users (a data connection is always available between the connected users). To use you'll need to implement an additional callback for "data":

let otherX = 0;
let otherY = 0;

let ssp;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  // Passing in "DATA" as the capture type but data sharing works with "CAPTURE" and "CANVAS" as well
  p5lm = new p5LiveMedia(this, "DATA", null, "w83C-S6DU");
  // "data" callback
  p5lm.on('data', gotData);

function draw() {

function gotData(data, id) {
  print(id + ":" + data);
  // If it is JSON, parse it
  let d = JSON.parse(data);
  otherX = d.x;
  otherY = d.y;

function mouseMoved() {
  // Package as JSON to send
  let dataToSend = {x: mouseX, y: mouseY};
  // Send it

Callbacks and IDs

Each callback also includes an "id" to indicate who is sending the stream or data and there is a "disconnect" callback when a user disconnects:

  p5lm.on('data', gotData);
  function gotData(theData, id) {
  p5lm.on('stream', gotStream);
  function gotStream(theStream, id) {
  p5lm.on('disconnect', gotDisconnect);
  function gotDisconnect(id) {

More documentation forthcoming.


Contributed Examples