
Handshake Terminal UI plugin for hsd


Palm Reader

Terminal UI plugin for hsd

Download pre-built latest release & run as an application

Coming soon!


See the wiki for more information


Palm Reader (and hsd) require nodejs v16 or greater. You must also have python and build tools installed for node-gyp to build native modules.

Copy to clipboard

For "copy" functionality you must have pbcopy, xsel or xclip installed on your system. Widgets with copy functions also have the option to export text to a file as an alternative.

OSX: brew install pbcopy

Linux: apt install xsel


Ledger requires additional drivers and permissions on Linux.

Linux: apt install pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev

Also be sure to set up udev rules for Ledger:

wget -q -O - | sudo bash

Install and run (easiest)

This command will download and install Palm Reader (bundled with hsd) and run the Setup Wizard right away. The code only needs to be downloaded once, after that the same command will run the application.

npm exec palmreader

Options can be passed using this syntax to bypass the setup wizard:

# Skip setup wizard, run hsd full node with default configuration
npm exec palmreader -- -f

Developer installation

Clone and install:

git clone
cd palmreader
npm i --prod

The --prod flag is important here!

Self-contained app (easiest)


This will launch the Setup Wizard, a terminal UI with the most common hsd options. Hit enter to launch the node and wallet with selected options.

Options can be passed using this syntax to bypass the setup wizard. For example, to start Palm Reader in regtest mode with a full node, saving data to the default hsd location:

./bin/palmreader -rfd

...or to a custom location:

./bin/palmreader -o ~/Desktop/test

...or with additional parameters for hsd:

./bin/palmreader -o ~/Desktop/test --index-tx

As hsd plug-in (advanced)

/path/to/hsd --plugins /path/to/palmreader

Notice that in this configuration hsd is still the main process and Palm Reader is added as a plug-in. This means your hsd node remains fully configurable, and ALL configurations "should be" compatible with Palm Reader.


hsd --plugins palmreader --spv --no-dns --api-key sandwich
hsd --plugins palmreader --network regtest --index-tx --index-address --prefix ~/.config/Bob/hsd_data
hsd --plugins palmreader --log-level spam

Build executable

We use pkg to create an executable that bundles nodejs itself along with hsd and Palm Reader scripts.

This time, remove the --prod flag after cloning from git:

cd palmreader
npm i
npm run build

Executable will be compiled to the build/ directory.


Due to the sensitivity of cryptocurrency software to dependency risk, only software written by The Handshake Developers is required by Palm Reader.

Any exceptions to this will be vendored and indicated below: has been stripped down and included in src/ along with snippets from and (all MIT License)