
GitHub Dashboard using Ember.js and Twitter Bootstrap

ISC License


GitHub Dashboard

GitHub Dashboard using Ember.js and Twitter Bootstrap. This repo is developed in the course of the accompanying blog posts at code418.com.


$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rackup

App Structure

├── Assetfile - App build file
├── Gemfile - Package dependencies for rakep/rack
├── Gemfile.lock - Here be dragons: don't touch, always include
├── app - App specific code
│   ├── index.html - The app entry point
│   ├── css - App CSS or SCSS (.scss)
│   ├── lib - App code, *modularized during build*
│   ├── modules - Module code, *already modularized*
│   ├── plugins - Plugins (e.g. jquery.jsonrpc.js)
│   │   └── loader.js - JS module loader
│   ├── static - Static files, never touched, copied over during build
│   ├── templates - Handlebars templates, *modularized during build*
│   ├── tests - QUnit application tests
│   └── vendor - Vendor code, *modularized during build*
├── assets - Built out asset files, minified in production
│   ├── app.css - Built out app CSS/SCSS
│   ├── app.js - Built out app JS
│   └── loader.js - Built out JS module loader
├── config.ru - Rack development web server configuration
├── tests - QUnit testing files
│   ├── index.html - The testing entry point
│   ├── qunit - Testing support files
│   └── run-tests.js - The PhantomJS QUnit test runner
├── test_assets - Built out test asset files
│   ├── app-tests.js - App test files
└── tmp - Temporary build files used by rakep


You can test the app by invoking:

$ bundle exec rake test

This executes the tests by using PhantomJS, which you need to have installed.

Or you can run the tests via:

$ bundle exec rackup
$ open http://localhost:9292/tests/index.html

If you want to continuously run the tests every time a file changes, invoke:

$ bundle exec guard