
Connect all your Data Sources via 1 process (Cross-Domain + Single-Domain)

MIT License


ParkDS: A Cross-Domain Data Source Collection

ParkDS is a simple library that allows for several Data sources (databases, file servers, etc.) to be able to connect to eachother in a safe and quick way by using SSL WebSocket connections between each domain.

Table of Contents


npm install parkds


Setting Up ParkDS

First off, you'll need to build your ParkDS Config, how you store that config is up to you. In the example it will be hard coded, but you could easily work with a JSON file or something else. NOTE: When a domain is considered cloud it means it can act as a websocket server, if not, it can only make a websocket client connection to a server, you require a 'cloud' domain if you are working cross domain

Setting up the config for Single-Domain

The configuration:

const fs = require('fs');
const ParkDS = require('parkds');
const Config = ParkDS.Config.Instance;

// We need to add at least one domain for ParkDS to work, so do just that.
const domain = new ParkDS.Config.Domain();
domain.Name = "Local";
domain.Path = "";
domain.Port = 443;
// Important if you are working in single-domain, setting this to true will start an arbitrary websocket server.
domain.IsCloud = false; 
domain.Account.User = "user";
domain.Account.Passworkd = "pass";


// Set the current domain
// And Admin Account is required upon creation, but is as of yet not implemented
Config.Settings.Set(domain, domain.Account, domain.Account); 

// Add Certificates
Config.Certificate.Cert = fs.readFileSync('./cert.pem');
Config.Certificate.Key = fs.readFileSync('./key.pem');

// Let's add a MySql database
const datasource = new ParkDS.Config.DataSource();
datasource.Name = "MyMySqlDB";
datasource.Type = "MySql";
datasource.Domain = "Local" // this has to be the name of the domain we added to the config
datasource.Path = "";
datasource.Option = {} // This may be relevant later, see the Creating a Connector section


const datasource2 = new ParkDS.Config.DataSource();
datasource2.Name = "MsSqlDatabase";
datasource2.Type = "mssql";
datasource2.Domain = "Local" // this has to be the name of the domain we added to the config
datasource2.Path = "";
datasource2.Option = {} // This may be relevant later, see the Creating a Connector section


// Set up the Data Source Connectors
// MyMySqlDB
const myMysqlConnector = require('./myMysqlConnector');
const mysqlconn = new myMysqlConnector(ParkDS.Config.Instance.GetDataSourceByName('MyMySqlDB'));

const myMssqlConnector = require('./myMssqlConnector');
const mssqlconn = new myMssqlConnector(ParkDS.Config.Instance.GetDataSourceByName('MsSqlDatabase');

// Start ParkDS
const pds = new ParkDS();
// Connectors are connected, if websocket connections are required, they are started, if need be, the websocket server is running.

Setting up the config for Cross-Domain

const ParkDS = require('parkds');
const Config = ParkDS.Config.Instance;
// Let's add a cloud domain
let domain = new ParkDS.Config.Domain();
domain.Name = "Cloud1";
domain.Path = "";
domain.Port = 443;
domain.IsCloud = true;
domain.Account.User = "user";
domain.Account.Passworkd = "pass";

// Add the domain to the Config list

// Let's add another cloud domain
domain = new ParkDS.Config.Domain();
domain.Name = "Cloud2";
domain.Path = "";
domain.Port = 44300;
domain.IsCloud = true;
domain.Account.User = "user";
domain.Account.Passworkd = "pass";

// Let's add an on-premise domain
domain = new ParkDS.Config.Domain();
domain.Name = "Premise1";
domain.Path = "";
domain.Port = 8080;
domain.IsCloud = false;
domain.Account.User = "user";
domain.Account.Passworkd = "pass";
// Add the domain to the Config list

// Let's add an on-premise domain
domain = new ParkDS.Config.Domain();
domain.Name = "Premise1";
domain.Path = "";
domain.Port = 8000;
domain.IsCloud = false;
domain.Account.User = "user";
domain.Account.Passworkd = "pass";
// Add the domain to the Config list

// Set the current domain
// And Admin Account is required upon creation, but is as of yet not implemented
Config.Settings.Set(Config.Domains.GetDomainByName('Premise1'), Config.Domains.GetDomainByName('Premise1').Account, Config.Domains.GetDomainByName('Premise1').Account); 

// Add Certificates
Config.Certificate.Cert = fs.readFileSync('./cert.pem');
Config.Certificate.Key = fs.readFileSync('./key.pem');

// Let's add a MySql database
const datasource = new ParkDS.Config.DataSource();
datasource.Name = "MyMySqlDB";
datasource.Type = "MySql";
datasource.Domain = "Cloud1" // this has to be the name of the domain we added to the config
datasource.Path = "";
datasource.Option = {} // This may be relevant later, see the Creating a Connector section


// Let's add a MySql database
const datasource2 = new ParkDS.Config.DataSource();
datasource2.Name = "MyOtherMySqlDB";
datasource2.Type = "MySql";
datasource2.Domain = "Cloud2" // this has to be the name of the domain we added to the config
datasource2.Path = "";
datasource2.Option = {} // This may be relevant later, see the Creating a Connector section


const datasource3 = new ParkDS.Config.DataSource();
datasource3.Name = "MsSqlDatabase";
datasource3.Type = "mssql";
datasource3.Domain = "Premise2" // this has to be the name of the domain we added to the config
datasource3.Path = "";
datasource3.Option = {} // This may be relevant later, see the Creating a Connector section


const datasource4 = new ParkDS.Config.DataSource();
datasource4.Name = "MsSqlDatabase";
datasource4.Type = "mssql";
datasource4.Domain = "Cloud2" // this has to be the name of the domain we added to the config
datasource4.Path = "";
datasource4.Option = {} // This may be relevant later, see the Creating a Connector section


// Set up the Data Source Connectors
// MyMySqlDB
const myMysqlConnector = require('./myMysqlConnector');
const mysqlconn = new myMysqlConnector(ParkDS.Config.Instance.GetDataSourceByName('MyMySqlDB'));

const myMssqlConnector = require('./myMssqlConnector');
const mssqlconn = new myMssqlConnector(ParkDS.Config.Instance.GetDataSourceByName('MsSqlDatabase');

// Start ParkDS
const pds = new ParkDS();
// Connectors are connected, if websocket connections are required, they are started, if need be, the websocket server is running.

Preview connectors

You have to write your own connectors to use ParkDS, below you have a couple of examples to see how the structure works, you'll also see that ParkDS.Logger objects are loaded in as well, more info about the logging system in the next chapter.


"use strict";
const mssql = require("mssql");
const ParkDS = require('parkds');
const EConnector = ParkDS.Connectors.EConnector;
const Log = ParkDS.Logger.Log;
const Entity = ParkDS.Logger.Entity;
const LogType = ParkDS.Logger.LogType;
const Config = ParkDS.Config.Instance;

class MsSqlConnector extends EConnector {
    constructor(ds) {
        this._entity = new Entity();
        this._entity.Name = "Ms Sql Connector";
        this._entity.Domain = Config.Settings.Name;
        this._config = {
            user: ds.User,
            password: ds.Password,
            server: ds.Path,
            database: ds.Datasource
        this._pool = new mssql.ConnectionPool(this._config);
     * Sends a query to the MsSql Database
     * @param {string} query the query string to retrieve data
     * @returns {Object} returns a JSON Object
    Query(query) {
        var resolve;
        var reject;
        var obj = new Object();
        const ps = new mssql.PreparedStatement(this._pool);
        for (var i in query.Bindings) {
            var type;
            switch (query.Bindings[i].Type) {
                case "nvarchar":
                    type = mssql.NVarChar(50);
            ps.input(query.Bindings[i].Name, type);
            obj[query.Bindings[i].Name] = query.Bindings[i].Value;
        ps.prepare(query.String, err => {
            if (err) {
                Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, err);
            else {
                ps.execute(obj, (err, result) => {
                    if (err) {
                        Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, err);
                        var e = new Object({
                            Error: {
                                Code: err.code,
                                State: null,
                                Fatal: null
                    else {
                        var res = new Object({ rows: result.recordset });
                        ps.unprepare(err => {
                            if (err) {
                                Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, err);
                            else {
        return new Promise((res, rej) => {
            resolve = res;
            reject = rej;
    OpenConnection() {
        this._pool.connect(err => {
            var e;
            if (err) {
                e = new Object({
                    Status: 0,
                    Error: {
                        Code: err.originalError.code,
                        Message: err.originalError.message,
            else {
                e = new Object({
                    Status: 2
            Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, err);
     * Close the connection to the MsSQl Database
     * */
    CloseConnection() {
module.exports = MsSqlConnector;


"use strict";
const MySql = require("mysql");
const ParkDS = require('parkds');
const EConnector = ParkDS.Connectors.EConnector;
const Log = ParkDS.Logger.Log;
const Entity = ParkDS.Logger.Entity;
const LogType = ParkDS.Logger.LogType;
const Config = ParkDS.Config.Instance;

class MySqlconnector extends EConnector {
    constructor(ds) {
        this._entity = new Entity();
        this._entity.Name = "Ms Sql Connector";
        this._entity.Domain = Config.Settings.Name;
        this._config = {
            host: ds.Path,
            user: ds.User,
            password: ds.Password,
            database: ds.Datasource
    OpenConnection() {
        this._status = 1;
        try {
            this._pool = MySql.createPool(this._config);
        catch (e) {
            Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, e);
            // Add logging
    CloseConnection() {
        this._status = 0;
        try {
        catch (e) {
            Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, e);
     * Sends a query to a MySql Database
     * @param {string} query the query string to retrieve data
     * @returns {Object} returns a JSON Object
    Query(query) {
        var self = this;
        var binds = [];
        var resolve;
        var reject;
        for (var i in query.Bindings) {
        this._pool.getConnection(function (err, connection) {
            if (err) {
                Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, err);
                var e = new Object({
                    Error: {
                        Code: err.code,
                        Number: err.errno,
                        Message: err.sqlMessage,
                        State: err.sqlState,
                        Fatal: err.fatal
            else {
                connection.query(query.String, binds, function (err, rows) {
                    if (err) {
                        Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, err);
                        var e = new Object({
                            Error: {
                                Code: err.code,
                                Number: err.errno,
                                Message: err.sqlMessage,
                                State: err.sqlState,
                                Fatal: err.fatal
                    else {
        return new Promise((res, rej) => {
            resolve = res;
            reject = rej;
     * Give an Array to receive an object the system works with.
     * @param {Array} rows the rows needing to be processed.
     * @returns {Object} with field Rows where all data is stored.
    ParseToObject(rows) {
        var result = new Object({ rows: [] });
        for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
            var row = new Object();
            for (var cname in rows[i]) {
                row[cname] = rows[i][cname];
        return result;
module.exports = MySqlconnector;

ParkDS Logging

ParkDS comes with it's own logging system following the Observer Design Pattern. the logger outputs an object with 3 properties: Entity (Name, Domain), LogType (ERROR, STATUS, TRAFFIC), and Content). To add an observer to the Logging system, you'll need an object with an Update method that takes a ParkDS.Logger.Log object as an argument.

ParkDS outputs 3 types of logs:

  • ERROR: Any errors being thrown inside of ParkDS will go through here. ParkDS should not stop working when an error occurs, so we advice at least listening to these.
  • STATUS: this outputs any status changes inside of ParkDS (Connecter went down, WebSocket Connection dropped, etc.).
  • TRAFFIC: Outputs the traffic through ParkDS (if a package is received, added to the queue, send to another domain, resolved, etc., this happens for EVERY transaction you do through ParkDS and will be a heavy load when lots of transactions are run).

When writing your own connector you need to load in Entity, LogType, and Log.

In your connector, add a property of type Entity.

const ParkDS = require('parkds');
const Entity = ParkDS.Logger.Entity;
const Log = ParkDS.Logger.Log;
const LogType = ParkDS.Logger.LogType;

class SomethingThatNeedsToOutputLogsInParkDS {
    constructor() {
        this._entity = new Entity();
        this._entity.Name = "name";
        this._entity.Domain = "domain name";
    Method() {
       try {
         Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.STATUS, 1);
         Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.TRAFFIC, "Method() is running");
       } catch (e) {         
         Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.STATUS, 0);
         Log.Register(this._entity, LogType.ERROR, e);

Logger Observer

class LogObserver {
    Update(log) {
        var time = ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getSeconds()).slice(-2) + "." + ('00' + log.TimeStamp.getUTCMilliseconds()).slice(-3);
        var output;
        switch (log.Type) {
            case LogType.ERROR:
                output = `\x1b[31m${time} [${log.Entity.Name}]: Error Thrown:\x1b[0m`;
class LogObserver {
    Update(log) {
        var time = ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getSeconds()).slice(-2) + "." + ('00' + log.TimeStamp.getUTCMilliseconds()).slice(-3);
        var output;
        switch (log.Type) {
            case LogType.ERROR:
                output = `\x1b[31m${time} [${log.Entity.Name}]: Error Thrown:\x1b[0m`;
class LogObserver {
    Update(log) {
        var time = ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0' + log.TimeStamp.getSeconds()).slice(-2) + "." + ('00' + log.TimeStamp.getUTCMilliseconds()).slice(-3);
        var output;
        switch (log.Type) {
            case LogType.ERROR:
                output = `\x1b[31m${time} [${log.Entity.Name}]: Error Thrown:\x1b[0m`;
            case LogType.TRAFFIC:
                output = `${time} \x1b[0m[\x1b[35m${log.Entity.Name}\x1b[0m]: \x1b[32m${log.Content}\x1b[0m`;
            case LogType.STATUS:
                output = `${time} [\x1b[33m${log.Entity.Name} Status:\x1b[0m ${log.Content}]`;
    constructor() {
            case LogType.TRAFFIC:
                output = `${time} \x1b[0m[\x1b[35m${log.Entity.Name}\x1b[0m]: \x1b[32m${log.Content}\x1b[0m`;
            case LogType.STATUS:
                output = `${time} [\x1b[33m${log.Entity.Name} Status:\x1b[0m ${log.Content}]`;
    constructor() {
            case LogType.TRAFFIC:
                output = `${time} \x1b[0m[\x1b[35m${log.Entity.Name}\x1b[0m]: \x1b[32m${log.Content}\x1b[0m`;
            case LogType.STATUS:
                output = `${time} [\x1b[33m${log.Entity.Name} Status:\x1b[0m ${log.Content}]`;
    constructor() {

ParkDS only logs locally, so the logging is decentralized, however, you can very easily send the logs to a central point. In your logger observer you can choose to send a log through ParkDS itself, and on the central logging server, create a custom connector that can receive them. This is not how ParkDS is intended to be used, but it is perfectly doable.
