
notepad app for gist and markdown.


Pastila is a small app that edits Markdown files and then syncs them up with Github accounts.


Clone this repo and in the root directory run npm install to install depedencies. To then startup the app run npm start this should open up the window and display a new page for the app.

Authing Github Account

to get a personal access token go to you github account settings

Applications > Personal Access Tokens > Generate New Token

You will need to give the application access to gist and user these should be on by default.

Generate Token the paste into the auth.json file.

you will need to create a file called auth.json in you user aplication storage directory.

# linux
cd ~/.pastila
# mac
cd ~/Library/Application Support/.pastila

in that file youll need to put a github personal access token

	"authToken" : "{{personalAccessToken}}"


Linux :