
BEM-helper system for Pug (Jade)

MIT License



BEM-helper system for Pug (Jade)



Via npm:

npm install --save pbem


As an example of basic usage, see the demo. You can run the demo by command in this module directory:

npm run demo

And rendered template will be displayed in the terminal. Also you can run this command from your app directory:

node -e 'require("pbem/demo")'

External API

Function pbem(config)

Create a namespace. Each namespace contains the custom settings.

  • Object config — Object with params:

    • String templateExt — Template file name extension. Defaut .pug

    • String viewsDir — Directory for main templates. Default path.join(process.cwd(), 'views')

    • String blocksDir — Blocks directory. Default path.join(process.cwd(), 'views/blocks')

    • String elementDelimiter — Block-element delimiter. Default __

    • String modifierDelimiter — (Block|element)-modifier delimiter. Default _

    • String modifierValueDelimiter — Modifier-value delimiter. Default _

    • String vordsDelimiter — Words delimiter in modifier name and value. Default _

    • Object pugOptions — Pug options

    • Object beautify — Beautify options (works if config.pugOptions.pretty === true)

    @returns Object namespace

const pbem = require('pbem');

const mainScope = pbem({
  viewsDir: __dirname + '/views',
  blocksDir: __dirname + '/views/blocks',
  pugOptions: {
    pretty: true

Method namespace.precompile()

Precompile all templates in namespace.

@returns Object namespace

Method namespace.createTemplate(name[, options])

Create a main template as an instance of class Template.

  • String name — Template file name without extension

  • Object options — Template options with params:

    • Object locals — Data for rendering

    • Boolean debug — Debug mode. All private properties and methods will be available in property privates of Template instance

const mainScope = require('pbem')({
  viewsDir: __dirname + '/views'

// __dirname + '/views/index.pug'
let indexTemplate = mainScope.createTemplate('index');

// Render template and return as string

Method namespace.createBlock(name[, options])

const pug = require('pug');
const pbem = require('pbem');

const scope = pbem({
  blocksDir: __dirname + 'views/blocks'

const separateTemplate = pug.compileFile(__dirname + 'views/page.pug');

let renderedSeparateTemplate = separateTemplate({
  block: scope.createBlock

Template API

This API is available in templates.

Function block(name[, options])

Available in main template, Block template and Element template.

Alias of method Template.prototype.createBlock()

  • String name — Template file name without extension

  • Object options — Template options with params:

    • Object mods — Modifiers. Values must be string or true

    • Array, mixes — Mixes.

      Mixes format must be:

      let mixes = [
        // Add two CSS classes: block-1, block-1_modifier_value1
        ['block-1', {modifier: 'value1'}],
        // block-2, block-2__element-2, block-2__element-2_modifier_value2
        ['block-2', 'element-2', {modifier: 'value2'}]


      let mixes = [
        {block: 'block-1', element: 'element-1', mods: { ... }},
        {block: 'block-2', mods: { ... }}
    • Object data — HTML data-attributes

      let data = {
        // Equal data-ajax-url="/posts/100500"
        ajaxUrl: '/posts/100500'
    • Object attributes — Other HTML attributes

    • Object locals — Data for rendering

    • Boolean debug — Debug mode. All private properties and methods will be available in property privates of Template instance

    @returns Block instance.

Function element(name[, options])

Available in Block template and Element template.

Alias of method Block.prototype.createElement() in Block template or alias of method Element.prototype.createElement() in Element template.

  • String name — Element name (part of template file name)

  • Object options — Template options like options of block()

    @returns Element instance.

Function attributes()

Available in Block template and Element template.

Compile HTML attributes of current BEM-entity:

div&attributes( attributes() )


Method local(name[, value])

Adds locals

There is in the Template, Block, Element

  .local('var1', 'value1')
  .local('var2', 'value2');
!= block('header').local('title', post.title);
!= block('content').local({text: post.content, date: post.date});

Methods mod(name[, value]), attr(name[, value]), data(name[, value])

Adds one or many modifiers, attributes or data-attributes

There is in the Block, Element. Also used, as in the previous case.

Method mix(blockName[, elementName][, modifiers])

Adds one or many mixes

Add one mix:

!=  block('header').mix('article', 'info', {compact: true})

One mix or many mixes:

// As one or many arguments
.mix(['block-1', {mod1: true}], ['block-2', 'element-2', {mod2: 'value'}], ...)
.mix({block: 'block', element: 'element', mods: { ... }}, ...)

// As Array
.mix([{block: 'block-1'}, ['block-2', 'element-2', {mod2: true}], ...])

Method isMod(name[, value])

Checks a modifier of current block/element

//- Converse type of value to Boolean

//- Strict comparison
isMod('modifier', 'value')

Method mod(name)

Get modifier value

if isMod('theme')
  | This theme name is #{mod('theme')}