
Peek is a web user agent application designed for using the web where, when and how you want it.

MIT License



Please meet Peek, a web user agent application designed for using the web where, when and how you want it.


  • Peek is not a web browser! Yet! And likely never will be a browser as you would expect from browsers to date. There are no tabs, and no windows in the tabbed-browser-like sense of them. If that's what you're looking for, there are a few decent browsers for you to choose from.
  • Peek is not safe for general use yet! It is a crude proof of concept I whipped up while on vacation. While I have thoughts on security model and user interface, I have not written it up into a proper security model yet.


Many user tasks on the web are either transient, chained or persistent, data oriented, or some mix of those. The document-oriented web does not meet those needs. Major browser vendors can't meet those needs well, for many reasons.

  • transient
  • chained
  • persistent
  • data oriented

About this space:

  • Embrace the app-ness aspect of the web platform, less about the document-ness
  • Javascript is ok here
  • Decouple html+js+css from http+dns+ssl - not entirely, but that trust+security model is not a required starting point


You can use Peek in a few ways, with more coming:

  • Peeks - Keyboard activated modal chromeless web pages
  • Slides - Keyboard or gesture activated modal chromeless web pages which slide in from any screen edges
  • Scripts - Scripts periodically executed against a web page in the background which extract data and notify on changes

In progress:

  • Commands
  • Groups

Thinking about:

  • "native" web apps


Peeks are keyboard activated modal chromeless web pages mapped to Opt+0-9 and closed on blur, the Escape key or cmd/ctrl+w.


Slides are gesture activated modal chromeless web pages which slide in from left/right/bottom/top, and closed on blur, the Escape key or cmd/ctrl+w.


Scripts periodically load a web page in the background and extract data matching a CSS selector, stores it, and notify the user when the resulting data changes.

Ok, so not really "scripts" yet. But safe and effective enough for now.


Some thoughts driving the design of Peek:

  • Web user agents should be bounded by the user, not browser vendor business models
  • Windows and tabs should have died a long time ago, a mixed metaphor constraining the ability of the web to grow/thrive/change and meet user needs
  • Security user interface must be a clear articulation of risks and trade-offs, and users should own the decisions

User values

  • users can move, resize, change to their requirements
    • eg, browsers restrict minheight of a window, but i should be able make as short as i like

Design patterns

Escape IZUI

  • IZUI: inverse zooming user interface
  • ZUIs navigate by starting from a known root and user navigates by zooming ever further in
  • Escape starts anywhere, and instead of navigating by zooming in, all interfaces can zoom out to reset
  • allows unbounded and diverse entry points with predictable behavior
  • consistent path to familiar ground

Escape navigation model

  • navigation base can start at any level in stack
  • forward navigations are added on top of stack
  • backwards navigations walk the stack in reverse

Architecture / Implementation

Peek is designed to be modular and configurable around the idea that parts of it can run in different environments.

For example:

  • Definitely planning on a mobile app which syncs and runs your peeks/slides/scripts
  • I'd like to have a decentralized compute option for running your scripts outside of your clients and syncing the data
  • Want cloud storage for all config and data, esp infinite history, so can do fun things with it

"features" == privileged web apps

The core features are web apps loaded over a custom protocol:

  • currently with a scheme of peek
  • access to a few special apis noted in the next section

Peek API

Initially the prototype was all Electron. But that's not interesting, and doesn't really tell us anything about constraints of the web itself.

So instead I asked this question: What's the minimum capability set that a web app would need to build the features I need?

The answer, so far, is giving peek apps the following APIs:

  • window open/close
  • global hotkey registration
  • pubsub messaging

Custom window api might be able to away entirely, by passing features, working on that.

Desktop App

Proof of concept is Electron. By far the best option today for cross-platform desktop apps which need a web rendering engine. There's really nothing else remotely suited (yet).

User interface:

  • the built-in features are all modal chromeless web pages at this point
  • settings "apps" are lil-gui panels


  • Need to look at whether could library-ize some of what Agregore implemented for non-HTTP protocol support.
  • Min browser might be interesting as a forkable base to work from and contribute to, if they're open to it. At least, should look more at the architecture.


  • Settings
    • In app, cmd/ctl+r, or launch app to open settings, or click tray
    • Configure Peeks/Slides/Scripts in settings
  • Peeks
    • Opt+0-9 to open Peeks
  • Slides
    • Opt+←→↑↓ to open Slides


  • Quick access to Script output and manual runs, as widgets (or output from cloud runners?)
  • Peeks still totes useful here - on mobile is more like "quick dial" features


  • Going full crypto payments for distributed compute on this one.

Papercut / use-case log


  • open a web page on top/bottom/left/right

  • keep web pages persistent in the background

  • quickly open a web page modally, and close it

  • open bandcamp in a window, move over to 2nd display, accidently close it while moving around between other windows

  • recent books or recipes from newsletters i subscribe to (but probably didn't read)

  • extract a table from a page periodically, send it somewhere as csv or whatever (chained actions)

  • collect microformats, metadata, events

  • web page w/ some locations as an input to a map (creates overlay) "map this page"

  • be able to see where a book/etc recommendation came from

  • save a tweet, with URL / image / relevant text, but not whole page webrecorder style

Content scripts

  • extract+log shazams
  • extract+log spotify playlist

Workflow deconstructing a "why" task flavour of bookmarking


v0.1 - MVPOC

minimum viable proof of concept.

question: would i use this?

Core moduluarization

  • Modularize feature types, eyeing the extensibility model
  • move settings window to features/settings

App cleanup

  • main window vs settings
  • change settings shortcut from global+esc to opt+comma

Window lifecycle

  • modularize window open/close + hidden/visible
  • update settings, peeks, slides, scripts
  • hide/show window vs create fresh
  • update slides impl to use openWindow (x, y)

Minimal Electron + Maximal Web

  • move features to all web code, with a couple special apis
  • make globalShortcut an api like openWindow

Create core app

  • core settings
  • registers other features

Move all features to web implementation

  • move all possible code from the electron file to the web app
  • move to web implemented globalShortcut
  • move to web implemented openWindow
  • move settings re-use code to utils lib
  • ability to add clickable links in settings panes
  • add links to Settings app
  • per-feature settings ui


  • move feature list and enablement to storage
  • merge core + settings
  • enable/disable features
  • configurable default feature to load on app open (default to settings)
  • wire up tray icon to pref
  • tray click opens default app


  • basic command bar to open pages
  • fix setting layout wrapping issue


  • implement pubsub api
  • way to tell feature to open default ui (if there is one)
  • way tell feature to open its settings ui (if there is one)

Features cleanup

  • enable/disable individual slides, peeks
  • enable/disable individual scripts

Internal cleanup

  • s/guid/id/
  • fix label names, match to pwa manifest
  • put readable log labels back in

v0.2 - MVCP (minimum viable concept preview)

minimum viable concept preview.

question: would others use this?


  • app showing in dock even tho disabled
  • app not showing in tray, even tho enabled
  • all api calls get source attached
  • window cache s/custom/map/
  • window cache all windows not just persistent
  • window cache - evaluate key approach (use-case: apps need to identify windows they open)
  • always return window id, so apps can manage it
  • reimplement keys, so much easier for callers than managing ids
  • account for number of renderer processes (seems double?)

redo window system to be more webby

  • prototype
  • evaluate webContents.setWindowOpenHandler
  • stop using openWindow to show pre-existing hidden windows?
    • can track web windows locally
    • can identify web windows on both sides (key/name)
    • add new custom api for windows superpowers
  • collapse window opening to span both approaches
  • finish converting all openWindow to

Feature lifecycle (un/install and reloads)

  • feature unload/reload - init/uninit whole feature and window
  • all api calls have address accessible by preload
  • close other windows of feature, not just background window

Feature re-init/reload when toggled

  • main: track shortcuts by source, remove when unloaded
  • main: track window sources
  • main: close child windows when (before) closing source window

Shortcut lifecycle

  • main process should handle multiple registrations correctly
  • send/track feature id/origin w/ each registration
  • unreg shortcuts on unload

Window features

  • add back in window features to
    • keep windows alive
  • enable global window resize
  • add draggable as pref

Features clean themselves up for lifecycle events

  • determine if new web-native windowing approach resolves this
  • load/unload peeks when enabled/disabled
  • load/unload slides when enabled/disabled
  • load/unload scripts when enabled/disabled


  • only register shortcut and create window if a URL is configured
  • unreg shortcuts and close windows on peek un/configure
  • unreg shortcuts and close windows on slides un/configure


  • fix it
  • app-scoped multi-window pages open


  • fix window size
  • transparency
  • core settings re-render on feature toggle, eg feature-settings link enabled
  • default position (size to screen)

Daily driver blockers

  • debug vs profile(s) for app dir
  • fix ESC not working right
  • fix ESC not working in web content
  • fix ESC not working right over lil-gui


  • app updates
  • icons
  • about page

Demo scenario

  • Peeks: translate, calendar, ai chat, currency conversion, everytimezone, tldraw
  • Slides: soundcloud, crypto prices, notepad, todo list
  • Scripts: eth price, weather change

v0.2 - extensibility / remember shit

DX papercuts

  • why crashing on reload main
  • devtools stealing focus
  • unified floating devtools

Window features

  • add transparency support to api
  • distentangle transparency and content-fit
  • add the rest of that shit

App mgmt

  • uniform policy for feature id creation (lean on web/extensions)
  • collisions

App dev

  • app model - web? extension? P/IWA? other?
  • shared libs, eg utils
  • language: call them feature or apps? other?

Focus vs not focused app mode

  • openWindow option to not close on escape (perma windows w/ controls)
  • app focus detection in shortcuts
  • separate global shortcuts from app shortcuts (eg quit)
  • all-window show/hide when doing global shortcuts while app unfocused

Dev niceties

  • figure out single devtools window if possible

Install/load/address features

  • built-in feature loading from origin not file
  • app protocol? webextension? pwa? wtf?
  • combine settings and background in built-in features?
    • eg, features can have default ui + bg services?
  • pull from manifest (load/install via manifest with special key?)
  • manifests for feature metadata
  • feature urls? eg peek://settings(/index.html)
  • feature metadata in manifest
  • move feature bg pages to iframes in core bg page?


  • make it so start feature can be unset (eh)


  • make izui stack manager (part of window mgr?)
  • esc stack: from feature settings back to core settings
  • add to izui stack (and ix w/ history?)

Window animations

  • add window open animation (to/from coords, time) to openWindow
  • update slides impl to use animation again

Window controls/persistence/etc (after perma window)

  • window position persistence where it makes sense (settings, groups, cmd) and make configurable?
  • window size persistence where it makes sense (slides, peeks) and make configurable?
  • window controls
  • window resizers


  • push navigations out through pubsub?
  • add history listener + storage to cmd
  • store central app action history
  • store content script data

Feature level rpc?

  • how can other features query history vs store and query locally?
  • how to know what urls there are to open? publish paths in manifests?
  • discover + execute cmds?
  • need to be able to get/set properties from other "features"?

Window layout

  • try with settings maybe?
  • tile/untile

Web Platform

  • need a web loader that's not full BrowserWindow?
  • sandboxing
  • blocklist

After that

  • schema migration
  • Extension model?
  • Ubiquity-like
  • Panorama-like
  • Tray
  • Scratchpad
  • Identity
  • Contacts
  • Collaboration


  • Implement the Firefox "awesomebar" scoring and search algorithm so that Peek learns you
  • Extension model designed for web user agent user interface experimentation
  • Infinite lossless personal encrypted archive of web history


  • in proto stage
  • all dragons, no promises


yarn install
yarn debug


  • some of the features don't make sense as-is on mobile
  • but maybe quick access on mobile to slides/peeks would be nice
  • and seeing output of content scripts, or ability to re-run locally on demand
  • needs some sync facility (inevitable anyway)


Agregore ext protocol impl




In working on Firefox and related things at Mozilla from 2006 - 2019, there were a few specific initiatives which best aligned with my needs as a user on the web:

  • The Awesomebar: infinite history + personalized local search index
  • Ubiquity: Natural language commands + chaining
  • Jetpack: The Mozilla Labs version - web-platfrom-centric extensibility
  • Panorama: née TabCandy, web pages as groups instead of tabs in windows

A few others which were in the right direction but didn't achieve their optimal form:

  • Greasemonkey
  • Microsummaries
  • Contacts extension

The first version of the Peek application has some bits of each of these, and the original Peek browser extension.

Peek browser extension

Peek was a browser extension that let you quickly peek at your favorite web pages without breaking your flow - loading pages mapped to keyboard shortcuts into a modal window with no controls, closable via the Escape key.

However, as browser extension APIs became increasingly limited, it was not possible to create a decent user experience and I abandoned it. You can access the extension in this repo in the extension directory.

The only way to create the ideal user experience for a web user agent that Does What I Want is to make it a browser-ish application, and that's what Peek is now.

Testcase: Authoring Flows

  • author web content
  • pull in bits from the web
  • share preview for feedback
  • publish (or at least get output)

writing the recap of the web track at ipfs thing 2023

  • make a new markdown doc
  • sections titled for each video title
  • each video's embed code in each section
  • navigate around the document for review and updates
  • need to easily preview rendered content
  • share preview link
  • publish somewhere