
This Pharmacy Management System project, built using Spring Boot MVC, features Stock Management, Billing Management, and Supplier Management. It ensures real-time inventory tracking, efficient billing, and seamless supplier coordination, providing a reliable and accurate solution for managing pharmaceutical operations.


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Pharmacy Management System


This Pharmacy Management System is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the operations of modern pharmacies. Built using the Spring Boot MVC architecture, this project integrates essential features like Stock Management, Billing Management, and Supplier Management to ensure efficient, accurate, and reliable management of pharmaceutical operations.


  • Stock Management:

    • Real-time inventory tracking and management.
    • Automated alerts for low stock levels.
    • Detailed reporting on stock usage and availability.
  • Billing Management:

    • Efficient and accurate billing processes.
    • Generation of invoices and receipts.
    • Integration with payment gateways for seamless transactions.
  • Supplier Management:

    • Management of supplier information and contacts.
    • Streamlined ordering and reordering processes.
    • Tracking of supplier performance and delivery schedules.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot - Framework for building the application.
  • Spring MVC - Architectural pattern for implementing the web application.
  • Thymeleaf - Template engine for rendering views.
  • Hibernate - ORM framework for database interaction.
  • MySQL - Relational database for storing data.
  • Maven - Build and dependency management tool.

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd pharmacy-management-system
  2. Configure the database:

    • Create a MySQL database named pharmacy_db.
    • Update the database configuration in src/main/resources/
  3. Build and run the project:

    mvn clean install
    mvn spring-boot:run
  4. Access the application:

    • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080.

Screen Shots

-Home Page

-Adding Stocks

-Genrating Bill

-Adding supplier

-Contact Us page


  • Admin Dashboard:

    • Manage stock, billing, and supplier information from a single interface.
    • View detailed reports and analytics.
  • Pharmacy Staff:

    • Process sales and manage billing.
    • Track and reorder stock.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


For any inquiries or support, please reach out at [email protected].