
Pirate War Game using Vanilla-JS


Pirate War Game

=> This is Pirate War Game where 2 pirates battle with each other through their cards by rolling the Dice.

=> I have made this by using Vanilla JS only. For building this game I've used concepts like Import/Export, Object-Destructuring, Ternary Operator, Constructor Methods in Classes, Arrow Functions, etc.

Website Link => https://mk-pirate-war-game.vercel.app/

  1. To get started with this project, you will need to have Git installed on your system.

  2. First, you need to open a Terminal in your system and Clone this repository by using :

git clone https://github.com/Mk4Levi/Pirate-War-Game.git
  1. Navigate to the Project's directory :
cd Pirate-War-Game
  1. Finally, host it on local server :
Open Live Server from your Code Editor

Structure of the Folders & Files in this Repo :

├── css/
├── images/
├── index.html
├── app.js
├── Character.js
├── data.js
├── utils.js
├── README.md

Thank You