
PNPM workspaces example for monorepos


PNPM workspaces example for monorepos

Testing pnpm monorepo


npm install -g pnpm
pnpm install

Running scripts

Add dependency to root dir with -w flag

pnpm add lodash -w -D


npm run build --ws doesn't build packages in the correct order... For example app with dep package-a will build before package-a

Changesets flow

  1. Make changes to code
  2. Run pnpx changeset
  3. Commit generated changeset file with PR
  4. Merge PR
  5. pnpx changeset version to bump versions and generate changelogs
  6. Publish to npm via pnpm publish -r or changeset publish

Reference projects

Alt approaches

Publishing Packages Flow

1. Update code

Write your code as normal on a feature branch and commit those changes.

If the changes require version bumps, run npm run changeset to generate a changeset file. These files will guide the automatic release process to npm and generate changelog information.

git checkout -b new-feature
# Switched to a new branch 'new-feature'
git status
# On branch new-feature
# Changes not staged for commit:
# 	modified:   src/packages/package-a/src/index.js
git add .
git commit -m 'feature: new thingy'
# [new-feature 93ba650] feature: new thingy
#  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
npm run changeset
# Run changeset CLI
# > changeset

# Choose the package(s)
#   Which packages would you like to include?  testing-pnpm-package-a
# Choose the type of bump
#   Which packages should have a major bump?  No items were selected
#   Which packages should have a minor bump?  No items were selected
#   The following packages will be patch bumped:
#   [email protected]
#   Please enter a summary for this change (this will be in the changelogs).
#   Summary  Added new thingy to package-a
#   === Releasing the following packages ===
#   [Patch]
#     testing-pnpm-package-a
#   Is this your desired changeset? (Y/n)  true
#   Changeset added! - you can now commit it
#   If you want to modify or expand on the changeset summary, you can find it here
#   info /repo-name/.changeset/
git status
# On branch new-feature
# Untracked files:
# 	.changeset/
git add .
git commit -m 'chore: changeset'
# [new-feature 369fe8f] chore: changeset
#  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
#  create mode 100644 .changeset/
git push --set-upstream origin new-feature

2. Submit a pull request

Submit a pull request with your changes. If the pull request contains any new markdown files in the .changeset/*.md directory the following message will automatically appear in the pull request:

This means the testing-pnpm-package-a and testing-pnpm-package-c will be bumped with a patch version number and a new pull request will be created with these new versions.

3. Review the new "release" pull request

The changeset github action will automatically bump any references to the changed packages and submit this new "release" pull request. details

Review the changes and verify everything looks correct.

4. Merge to publish to NPM

If the pull request in step 3 is merged into master, the packages will be automatically released to NPM. This again is driven by the same github action. details

5. View published packages on NPM

If the github action from step 4 completes successfully, the changes should be published to npm.