
Codebase for the React Fiber conference : A Pokemon Arena!


Pokemon Arena

This is a code base especially created to illustrate a talk about React Fiber.

You can find the slides here

The talk and the code were done by @mfrachet, @fberthelot and myself.


You can find the "target" code in the master branch. We try to keep it updated with each React releases.

The livecoding branch is where the code is changed to an "older" style in order to be improved with last React features.

Livecoding steps

This chapter is about to describe and keep a script of the livecoding changes in order to update the code from the livecoding branch to the master.

Step 1: Fragments

Focusing on the src/components/arena/choice/pokemon-input.js file. It's a typical component used in a loop but which contains two children which has no need of a parent.

  • Replace the unused div by an array.
  • Replace the array by a Fragment.
  • Replace the Fragment with the new notation <>.

Step 2: Errors boundaries

The subject is to generate an error in the Title component.

  • In src/components/design-system/title.js create an ErrorTitle component which throw an error. Replace the default export to the new component.
  • http://localhost:3000/arena/choice should fail
  • Create from scratch or describe src/components/design-system/errors.js.
  • Use ErrorHandler in src/index.js around the title. Beware of create-react-app overlay, you can't disable it but you can remove it with escape.
  • Add ErrorHandler in src/components/arena/choice/choice.js. Error does not crash the whole app now !
  • Use back the normal Title component to get the app works again.

Step 3: Suspense

Suspense by itself can't be illustrated so, step 3 is more like a placeholder.

Step 4: lazy

We will load the chart library called Victory lazily.

  • In src/components/stats/stats.js, add imports for Suspense and lazy.
  • Load the Chart component with lazy and the new import() syntax. Add a timeout to the loading function to be able to see the loader.
  • Surround the Chart component with Suspense, use Loader as fallback.

Step 5: cache

We're getting back at the choice page. We will seek to load the data with the new cache API.

  • In src/components/arena/choice/form.js, remove the componentDidMount method from the component and the pokemon property from the state.
  • import createResource from the react-cache local copy in src/vendor/react-cache.development.js. Instanciate a resource using the existing fetchApi function.
  • In the render method, use the read method of the resource to get the data. Use this data in place of the one from the state.
  • In the src/components/arena/choice/choice.js, surround the Form component with a Suspense component.

Step 6: time slicing

No livecoding, just a dmo. Go the stat page.

  • Present the debug tool.
  • Present the src/index.js with the two ways to start React.
  • Present the src/components/stats/chart.js with the two ways to update the state.
  • Activate the CPU throtling feature of Chrome Dev Tools (Performance tab).
  • In standard mode, the rendering freeze clickly and several numbers are lost.
  • In concurrent mode, the rendering is slow but no number is lost

Step 7: hooks!

Once again, back to the choice page.

  • Start a new function component FormHook under the other one. Copy the content of the render method in the function body.
  • Import the useState hook from react.
  • Use the useState hook to create first and second states variable.
  • Define handleFirst and handleSecond handlers which set the respective state.
  • Define the handleSubmit handler with the body of the previous
  • Replace all pointers removing all this... Tada :)

Step 8: custom hooks

The very heart of the hooks are custom hooks. Let's factorize the logic.

  • Create a custom hooks factoring state and handler named useField.

Step 9: going further

No livecoding, just looking at the code of the battle.

  • Present the useEffect hook used to start the fight.
  • Present the useReducer hook to handle the battle logic.
  • Present the whole code of the component containing any logic code.
  • Present the data section.
  • Present the logic section, doesn't it look at Redux? Still there is no Redux here! Beware, this reducer is limited to the component state, it's not a global state like Redux (tips: but there is a useContext hook).