
Node poker library for poker crunchers.



Node poker library for poker crunchers. Also compatible with Browserify.

Reviving the ghost of PokerStove for all platforms.

Currently, Pokery only supports Hold'em. Omaha support will come in the future.

EV Approximations

Pokery has a Monte Carlo Simulator to run EV approximations.

The Simulator takes an array of ranges and an array of board cards.

> import Simulator from 'pokery';
> new Simulator(['AhAd', 'KK', 'JTs', '72o'], ['Qd']).run();
[ { range: 'AhAd',
    wins: 605,
    losses: 395,
    ties: 0,
    lossPct: 39.5,
    tiePct: 0,
    winPct: 60.5,
    ev: 0.605 },
  { range: 'KK',
    wins: 120,
    losses: 880,
    ties: 0,
    lossPct: 88,
    tiePct: 0,
    winPct: 12,
    ev: 0.12 },
  { range: 'JTs',
    wins: 207,
    losses: 793,
    ties: 0,
    lossPct: 79.3,
    tiePct: 0,
    winPct: 20.7,
    ev: 0.207 },
  { range: '72o',
    wins: 68,
    losses: 932,
    ties: 0,
    lossPct: 93.2,
    tiePct: 0,
    winPct: 6.800000000000001,
    ev: 0.068 } ]

Command Line Usage

Pokery works on the command line!

$ pokery simulate -h AA -h KK -b 2d3h4s -n 5000
Running AA vs. KK on 2d,3h,4s board, 5000 times
[ { range: 'AA',
    wins: 807,
    losses: 191,
    ties: 2,
    lossPct: 19.1,
    tiePct: 0.2,
    winPct: 80.7,
    ev: 0.808 },
  { range: 'KK',
    wins: 191,
    losses: 807,
    ties: 2,
    lossPct: 80.7,
    tiePct: 0.2,
    winPct: 19.1,
    ev: 0.192 } ]

Hand Evaluations

Pokery can evaluate and compare hands.

To be more portable and use less memory, Pokery currently does not use a lookup table, which would be 250MB.

> import Hand from 'pokery';
> new Hand(['Ac', 'Ad', 'Ah', 'As', 'Jc', 'Td', '2h']);
{ strength: 7,
  ranks: [ [ 14 ], [ 11 ] ],
  cards: [ 'Ac', 'Ad', 'Ah', 'As', 'Jc' ] }
> new Hand(['Kc', '3d', '4h', '7s', '6c', '5d', 'Kh']);
{ strength: 4,
  ranks: [ [ 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 ] ],
  cards: [ '3d', '4h', '7s', '6c', '5d' ] }

Range Parsing

Pokery can expressively breakdown hand ranges and return random hands from a range.

You can learn more about hand range grammar.

> import Range from 'pokery';
> new Range('AQ').hands
[ ['Ac', 'Qc'],
  ['Ac', 'Qd'],
  ['Ac', 'Qh'],
  ['Ac', 'Qs'],
  ['Ah', 'Qc'],
  ['Ah', 'Qd'],
  ['Ah', 'Qh'],
  ['Ah', 'Qs'],
  ['Ad', 'Qc'],
  ['Ad', 'Qd'],
  ['Ad', 'Qh'],
  ['Ad', 'Qs'],
  ['As', 'Qc'],
  ['As', 'Qd'],
  ['As', 'Qh'],
  ['As', 'Qs'] ]
> new Range('55').hands
[ ['5c', '5d'],
  ['5c', '5h'],
  ['5c', '5s'],
  ['5d', '5h'],
  ['5d', '5s'],
  ['5h', '5s'] ]
> new Range('QQ, 93s').hands
[ ['Qc', 'Qd'],
  ['Qc', 'Qh'],
  ['Qc', 'Qs'],
  ['Qd', 'Qh'],
  ['Qd', 'Qs'],
  ['Qh', 'Qs']
  ['9c', '3c'],
  ['9d', '3d'],
  ['9h', '3h'],
  ['9s', '3s'] ]