
Backend for a Poll Web App



  • Login
    • email, password
    • redirect to create poll
  • Register
    • username, email, password
    • redirect to login
  • All Polls
    • list of all polls
  • Create Poll (Auth)
    • name, options
    • redirect to polls results
  • Vote on Poll
    • select option
    • redirect to results
  • Poll results

Concepts used

  • Ant design
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • GraphQL
  • GraphQL server
  • Query Batching
  • Authentication
  • Subscriptions - Real time
  • Pagination
  • Deploying to production (Heroku)

DB models and GraphQL types

  • User
    • id
    • username
    • email
    • password
  • Poll
    • id
    • name
    • options
    • creator
  • PollOption
    • id
    • text
    • votes