
Experimental Three.js elements using the Polymer framework + three.js

MIT License



Experimental custom elements using the Polymer framework and the Three.js framework.

All custom elements are in the elements folder (seperated by folder) three-viewer (the main element) depends on/ makes use of both three-controls and three-stats a more simple, independant three-viewer will be added down the line.


  • very early stages, highly experimental so not bugs are very likely :)
  • api is neither complete nor as practical as I would like it to be
  • uses a custom "wrapped" (generated with Browserify version of Three.js, as the standard build does not get imported correctly from within elements.
  • the view comes pre packaged with the three.js OrbitControls & CombinedCamera : these are both custom versions, with "z-up" instead of
    the standard "y-up", since this was originally intended to be used for 3d modeling for 3d printing (that uses z-up)


  • as stated above, elements are in the "elements" folder
  • you will however need a web server to run polymer.js elements locally : you can install a node-js simple http server for this project
    by typing npm install and then npm start (once you have node.js and npm of course!)


Include the elements (three-elements itself links to all other elements, for convenience):

    <link rel="import" href="elements/three-elements.html">
  • Create a Three.js view default settings

This resuls in :

Create a Three.js view 320*200, with a fov of 50 shadows enabled

    <three-viewer  width=320 height=200 viewAngle=50 showControls showShadows ></three-viewer>

This resuls in :

  • Create a Three.js view 640*480, with a fov of 50, autorotating camera, with onscreen controls, grid, axes, and shadows enabled,
    and a greenish background
    <three-viewer  width=640 height=480 viewAngle=50 bg="#c0ff00" autoRotate showControls showShadows showGrid showAxes></three-viewer>

This resuls in :

  • you can also create multiple views (all independant, but still a bit buggy sometimes):
    <three-viewer style="right:180px;top:300px;"></three-viewer>
    <three-viewer  viewAngle="25" width=640 height=480  autoRotate showControls showShadows id="viewer1"></three-viewer>
    <three-viewer bg="#c0ff00" viewAngle="45" width=320 height=240  showControls showShadows=false style="left:680px;top:500px;border: 1px solid blue;"></three-viewer>

This resuls in :

  • editing the scene/add objects to the view
    Polymer components are loaded in an asynch maner (there is callback for that ! as they say :)
    So to add a cube to a viewer you could do :
window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {
	    document.body.style.opacity = 1; // show body now that registration is done.
	    var threeViewer = document.querySelector('three-viewer');
	    console.log("components loaded",threeViewer);
		var cubeGeometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 30, 30, 30 ); 
		var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {color: 0x0088ff} ); 
		var cube = new THREE.Mesh(cubeGeometry, material);
		cube.position.set(-25, 25, -35); 
		cube.castShadow =  true
	    cube.receiveShadow = true
	    //here we add the cube to the scene via the addToScene method

Live Demo

