
Transforms css values into the tree

MIT License



Transforms CSS declaration values and at-rule parameters into a tree of nodes, and provides a simple traversal API.


var valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');
var cssBackgroundValue = 'url(foo.png) no-repeat 40px 73%';
var parsedValue = valueParser(cssBackgroundValue);
// parsedValue exposes an API described below,
// e.g. parsedValue.walk(..), parsedValue.toString(), etc.

For example, parsing the value rgba(233, 45, 66, .5) will return the following:

  nodes: [
      type: 'function',
      value: 'rgba',
      before: '',
      after: '',
      nodes: [
        { type: 'word', value: '233' },
        { type: 'div', value: ',', before: '', after: ' ' },
        { type: 'word', value: '45' },
        { type: 'div', value: ',', before: '', after: ' ' },
        { type: 'word', value: '66' },
        { type: 'div', value: ',', before: ' ', after: '' },
        { type: 'word', value: '.5' }

If you wanted to convert each rgba() value in sourceCSS to a hex value, you could do so like this:

var valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');

var parsed = valueParser(sourceCSS);

// walk() will visit all the of the nodes in the tree,
// invoking the callback for each.
parsed.walk(function (node) {

  // Since we only want to transform rgba() values,
  // we can ignore anything else.
  if (node.type !== 'function' && node.value !== 'rgba') return;

  // We can make an array of the rgba() arguments to feed to a
  // convertToHex() function
  var color = node.nodes.filter(function (node) {
    return node.type === 'word';
  }).map(function (node) {
    return Number(node.value);
  }); // [233, 45, 66, .5]

  // Now we will transform the existing rgba() function node
  // into a word node with the hex value
  node.type = 'word';
  node.value = convertToHex(color);

parsed.toString(); // #E92D42


Each node is an object with these common properties:

  • type: The type of node (word, string, div, space, comment, or function).
    Each type is documented below.
  • value: Each node has a value property; but what exactly value means
    is specific to the node type. Details are documented for each type below.
  • sourceIndex: The starting index of the node within the original source
    string. For example, given the source string 10px 20px, the word node
    whose value is 20px will have a sourceIndex of 5.


The catch-all node type that includes keywords (e.g. no-repeat), quantities (e.g. 20px, 75%, 1.5), and hex colors (e.g. #e6e6e6).

Node-specific properties:

  • value: The "word" itself.


A quoted string value, e.g. "something" in content: "something";.

Node-specific properties:

  • value: The text content of the string.
  • quote: The quotation mark surrounding the string, either " or '.
  • unclosed: true if the string was not closed properly. e.g. "unclosed string .


A divider, for example

  • , in animation-duration: 1s, 2s, 3s
  • / in border-radius: 10px / 23px
  • : in (min-width: 700px)

Node-specific properties:

  • value: The divider character. Either ,, /, or : (see examples above).
  • before: Whitespace before the divider.
  • after: Whitespace after the divider.


Whitespace used as a separator, e.g. occurring twice in border: 1px solid black;.

Node-specific properties:

  • value: The whitespace itself.


A CSS comment starts with /* and ends with */

Node-specific properties:

  • value: The comment value without /* and */
  • unclosed: true if the comment was not closed properly. e.g. /* comment without an end .


A CSS function, e.g. rgb(0,0,0) or url(

Function nodes have nodes nested within them: the function arguments.

Additional properties:

  • value: The name of the function, e.g. rgb in rgb(0,0,0).
  • before: Whitespace after the opening parenthesis and before the first argument,
    e.g. in rgb( 0,0,0).
  • after: Whitespace before the closing parenthesis and after the last argument,
    e.g. in rgb(0,0,0 ).
  • nodes: More nodes representing the arguments to the function.
  • unclosed: true if the parentheses was not closed properly. e.g. ( unclosed-function .

Media features surrounded by parentheses are considered functions with an empty value. For example, (min-width: 700px) parses to these nodes:

    type: 'function', value: '', before: '', after: '',
    nodes: [
      { type: 'word', value: 'min-width' },
      { type: 'div', value: ':', before: '', after: ' ' },
      { type: 'word', value: '700px' }

url() functions can be parsed a little bit differently depending on whether the first character in the argument is a quotation mark.

url( /gfx/img/bg.jpg ) parses to:

{ type: 'function', sourceIndex: 0, value: 'url', before: ' ', after: ' ', nodes: [
    { type: 'word', sourceIndex: 5, value: '/gfx/img/bg.jpg' }
] }

url( "/gfx/img/bg.jpg" ), on the other hand, parses to:

{ type: 'function', sourceIndex: 0, value: 'url', before: ' ', after: ' ', nodes: [
    { type: 'string', sourceIndex: 5, quote: '"', value: '/gfx/img/bg.jpg' },
] }


The unicode-range CSS descriptor sets the specific range of characters to be used from a font defined by @font-face and made available for use on the current page (unicode-range: U+0025-00FF).

Node-specific properties:

  • value: The "unicode-range" itself.


var valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');


Parses quantity, distinguishing the number from the unit. Returns an object like the following:

// Given 2rem
  number: '2',
  unit: 'rem'

If the quantity argument cannot be parsed as a number, returns false.

This function does not parse complete values: you cannot pass it 1px solid black and expect px as the unit. Instead, you should pass it single quantities only. Parse 1px solid black, then pass it the stringified 1px node (a word node) to parse the number and unit.

valueParser.stringify(nodes[, custom])

Stringifies a node or array of nodes.

The custom function is called for each node; return a string to override the default behaviour.

valueParser.walk(nodes, callback[, bubble])

Walks each provided node, recursively walking all descendent nodes within functions.

Returning false in the callback will prevent traversal of descendent nodes (within functions). You can use this feature to for shallow iteration, walking over only the immediate children. Note: This only applies if bubble is false (which is the default).

By default, the tree is walked from the outermost node inwards. To reverse the direction, pass true for the bubble argument.

The callback is invoked with three arguments: callback(node, index, nodes).

  • node: The current node.
  • index: The index of the current node.
  • nodes: The complete nodes array passed to walk().

Returns the valueParser instance.

var parsed = valueParser(value)

Returns the parsed node tree.


The array of nodes.


Stringifies the node tree.

parsed.walk(callback[, bubble])

Walks each node inside parsed.nodes. See the documentation for valueParser.walk() above.


MIT © Bogdan Chadkin