
Potion is github-pages compatible editor for jekyll blogs.



Potion is github-pages compatible editor for jekyll websites

Explain that, please

Potion is a completely client-side (serverless) editor for jekyll blogs. It uses the Jekyll specifications for listing drafts, posts and allows you to edit your blogs completely in the browser. It does this by using the github API.

Why not OAuth

Github allows for 2 authentication methods, OAuth and Basic Auth. We choose the later, because it allows us to remain serverless (for eg, http://prose.io uses GateKeeper). An additional advantage is that, since there are no authentication tokens involved, you are not handing keys to your private repos to anyone. The password is stored nowhere, and is kept in memory for the duration of your session. If you close the tab, you will have to login again.

Compatible with Github Pages

Potion is compatible with github pages, which means that you can add Potion as a submodule to your own blog, and it will be available at http://username.github.com/potion. Self-hosting means you will have to update potion manually, but it also means that we cannot slip in malicious code to steal your passwords at any time.


When Potion will be complete, it will boast of the following features:

  1. Image and other binary uploads.
  2. YAML editor for editing YAML-front matter.
  3. Distraction free markdown editor with live-preview.
  4. Clean, simple and a minimalist interface.

Setup instructions

  1. Download the latest build of Potion from #TODO
  2. Put it inside an admin folder of your blog
  3. Open http://username.github.com/admin/

Alternative install

  1. Clone the Potion repo inside your blog (username.github.com)
  2. Checkout the build branch (git checkout build)
  3. Open http://username.github.com/potion


You can setup Potion as a sublime project by copying the sample.sublime-project file to potion.sublime-project and editing the root. Dependencies for development include:

  • clientjade (npm install clientjade)
  • stylus (npm install stylus)
  • coffee-script (npm install coffee-script)



Licenced under the MIT Licence.