
A little presentation about Thorium

MIT License


Spectacle Boilerplate



The Spectacle core API is available at

For more information about MDX syntax and how it all works, check out the MDX documentation.


Slides are separated with ---.

To customize specific MDX functionality in Spectacle Boilerplate MDX, including what characters are used to demarcate slide breaks, refer to the loader.js file. We don't recommend altering this functionality unless necessary.

Getting Started

After downloading the boilerplate, your first order of business is to open a terminal and run



npm install

Next, run

rm -R .git

to remove the existing version control.

Then, to start up the local server, run

yarn start


npm start

Open a browser and hit http://localhost:3000, and you're ready to roll. Modify index.mdx to see changes, but the best part about MDX is that you can create your own React components and import them into the index.mdx file to seamlessly integrate with markdown!

Build & Deployment

Building the dist version of the project is as easy as running

npm run build

If you want to deploy the slideshow to surge, run

npm run deploy

Maintenance Status: Active

Formidable is actively working on this project, and we expect to continue for work for the foreseeable future. Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.

Extracted from project README
Maintenance Status