
Some shell scripts for Prettier.



$ yarn add --dev prettier-scripts

prettier-scripts is a collection of command line executables that makes adopting Prettier into your code base a little bit easier to run Prettier against your project's files. It also makes it easy to run Prettier just on files that have changed, meaning you can easily get pre-commit hooks sorted and make your team's lives much easier as they adjust to Prettier.


$ yarn add --dev prettier-scripts

Or if you prefer npm:

$ npm install --dev prettier-scripts

IMPORTANT: prettier-scripts does not install prettier or prettier-eslint for you. Your project must have those installed already.


Before we get into the nitty gritty of the documentation, here's some examples of how easy prettier-scripts makes things:

Check only changed files, and use no semi colons:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-scripts-check --changed --no-semi

Check only changed JavaScript files:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-scripts-check --changed --filter-changed '**/*.js'

Check all targets, and use no semi colons:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-scripts-check --no-semi --targets 'src/**/*.js'

Set print-width to 120 and write all files:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-scripts-write --print-width 120 --targets 'src/**/*.js'

Check your entire project in an npm script for use on CI

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "prettier-check-all": "prettier-scripts-check --targets 'src/**/*.js' --no-semi --trailing-comma es5"


prettier-scripts provides two executables currently, one to check your code base and one to format files:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-scripts-check ...


$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier-scripts-write ...

Both scripts take the same set of arguments. Any argument that Prettier's CLI accepts will be passed to Prettier accordingly.

prettier-scripts-check will exit with the correct exit code based on if Prettier succeeded or failed, so it's perfect to run as a pre-commit hook or on your CI server.

There is one exception to the Prettier CLI; rather than pass a glob of files as a standalone option, you have to pass them through the --targets argument. This is because there are two ways to give prettier-scripts some files; either by telling it to use git to calculate the changed files, or by passing a glob to --targets.

For example:

  • Run prettier on only changed files and write them: prettier-scripts-write --changed
  • Run prettier on all targets and write them: prettier-scripts-write --targets 'src/**/*.js'

If you only wanted to check the files, you can swap prettier-scripts-write for prettier-scripts-check.

There are also some additional flags that prettier-scripts uses:

  • --prettier-eslint: Uses prettier-eslint-cli, rather than Prettier directly.
  • --filter-changed: When you are using --changed, you can also pass --filter-changed to filter which changed files are passed through. For example, you would pass --filter-changed '**/*.js' to filter the changed files to just JavaScript.

Log Level

By default the level of logging is set to warn. You can change how much or little is logged by prettier-scripts via LOG_LEVEL:

$ LOG_LEVEL=debug prettier-scripts-check --changed

You can set the log level to:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn (default)
  • error