
This app offers users a quick way to check the current temperature and humidity of any location in the world. This project proved a good means to practice working with external APIs.


Pretty Weather App

This app offers users a quick way to check weather data for any location in the world. The specific data provided by the app includes the city/town and country as well as the current temperature and humidity of the location typed in by the user.

App Screenshot

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Webpack

To get a local copy, run the following steps:

  • Clone the repository with [email protected]:BenjaminSemah/pretty-weather.git
  • Navigate to the folder cd pretty-weather
  • Open the project with your code editor
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies
  • Run npm start and go to http://localhost:8080// to launch the server.


👤 Benjamin Semah


To the website for the Weather API.

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