
Print Html Block allows you to print any block on the page.

MIT License


Print Html Block


  1. Install plugin
npm install print-html-block
  1. Create html tags
<section id="section1">Print Me!</section>
<section id="section2">Don't print me.</section>
<button onclick="print()">Print</button>
  1. Import plugin in your .js file
import printHtmlBlock from 'print-html-block';

function print() {
  const selector = '#section1';
  const options = {
    importStyle: true

  printHtmlBlock(selector, options);
  1. Finish. Click by "Print" button

Default options

Name Defailt Description
debug false show the iframe for debugging
importCSS true import parent page css
importStyle false import style tags
printContainer true print outer container/$.selector
loadCSS '' path to additional css file - use an array [] for multiple
pageTitle '' add title to print page
removeInline false remove inline styles from print elements
removeInlineSelector '*' custom selectors to filter inline styles. removeInline must be true
printDelay 333 variable print delay
header null prefix to html
footer null postfix to html
base false preserve the BASE tag or accept a string for the URL
formValues true preserve input/form values
canvas false copy canvas content
doctypeString '' enter a different doctype for older markup
removeScripts false remove script tags from print content
copyTagClasses false copy classes from the html & body tag
beforePrintEvent null callback function for printEvent in iframe
beforePrint null function called before iframe is filled
afterPrint null function called before iframe is removed