
Library for browser manipulation

MIT License


Usage with selenium engine

  const {seleniumWD} = require('promod');
  const {$, $$, getDriver, browser} = seleniumWD;

  ;(async () => {
    const searchInput = $('input[name="q"]');
    const sections = $$('section');
    await getDriver({seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub'}, browser);
    await browser.get('');
    await searchInput.sendKeys(`promod${browser.Key.ENTER}`);
    console.log(await sections.get(0).$('a').getText());

Usage with playwright engine (only for local execution)

  const {playwrightWD} = require('promod');
  const {$, $$, getDriver, browser} = playwrightWD;

  ;(async () => {
    const searchInput = $('input[name="q"]');
    const sections = $$('section');
    await getDriver(browser);
    await browser.get('');
    await searchInput.sendKeys(`promod${browser.Key.ENTER}`);
    console.log(await sections.get(0).$('a').getText());

Transition from protractor to promod. Mocha example.

  "test": "protractor ./protractor.conf.js"
  "test": "mocha $(find specs -name '*.spec.*') --file ./mocha.hooks.js --timeout 500000"

Where: $(find specs -name '*.spec.*') spec files --file ./mocha.hooks.js mocha hooks file

mocha.hooks.js example

const {config} = require('./protractor.conf.js');
const {seleniumWD} = require('promod');

before(async function() {
   * onPrepare - protractor part
   * rest - other config data
  const {onPrepare,} = config;
  const {getDriver, browser, $, $$} = seleniumWD;

	await getDriver(rest, browser);

  // i am not a big fan of global object usage, but if it is suitable for you, just add API to global
  global.browser = browser;
  global.$ = $;
  global.$$ = $$;

  if (onPrepare) {
    await onPrepare();

after(async function() {
  await global.browser.quit();

  "update:driver": "webdriver-manager update"
  "update:driver": "selenium-standalone install"

Improvement plan

  • Add documentation - in progress
  • Add playwright integration - in progress
  • Add test runner - in progress
  • Add logger - in progress